加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息ACPPA is going open the night session from this Wednesday


Dear Ping Pong Players,ACPPA is going open the night session from this Wednesday. In order to server you better, we are going to apply the following policies for this season:1. The season starts on 13th March, ends on 29th May. total 12 sessions. 2 Membership fee for recreational program : total $50 for 12 sessions.3. Membership fee for young player training program: total $100 for 12 sessions.4. Free admission to the seniors who is over 60 years of age. Address:12 Flamingo Dr. Halifax. Rockingham United ChurchOpen hours:Every Wednesday night from From 7:00 to 9:00You will receive a notice one day before each session by email. If there is any cancellations We will inform you by email in at least two days. if you have any questions or concerns, please drop few lines into this mail box and I will responds to you as soon as I can.For more information about ACPPA, you either can follow us on FaceBook at : http://www.facebook.com/atlantic.tabletennisclub or visit our website at : www.nsacppa.com. Thank you very much for showing your interest in ACPPA and we are looking forward to seeing you all soon.

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