加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Table Tennis exhibition on this Wednesday
ACPPA is going to take part in the Chinese culture exhibition on this Wednesday, March 6th from 2p.m. to 8p.m. at Keshen Goodman Public Library (330 Lacewood Drive, Halifax). In this exhibition, ACPPA is going to promote the table tennis to the public by not only the presenting the slide show but also some demonstrations. We greatly encourage you and your friend to come and give it a try and you will find much more that pingpong can bring to you than you thought.We are looking forward to your coming and having fun together.ACPPA----------------------------------------------------------大家好,ACPPA定于本周三 2p.m. to 8p.m. at Keshen Goodman Public Library (330 Lacewood Drive, Halifax). 参加中国文化节的推介会,我们将在会上展示进行一些幻灯片和现场示范以展示乒乓球的魅力,您可能在其中能体会到更多乒乓的乐趣。 欢迎各位及其好友参加。谢谢。ACPPA
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