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A winter without snow DavidA winter without snowEven though it ‘s time for the Christmas seasonAs the sun climbs over the cityHis face is tarnishedLike a wrinkled tree branchThe sun still occupies the skyAlthough the snow struggles to showHer wingsThey sweep the ground, the roof the lawnUpon which a white mark remainsBut the make is not like an exclamation makeit like a cloudIt’s time a performance from snowBut this winter she is very shyLike a little girl She doesn’t like to do some shows to the worldOr is it that she is deep in thought? Or is it that she is taking her time?Even if she is an actor, hiding behind the stage,She will only leave her splendid posture at the proper time.A winter without snowEven a chilly winterReplaced the snow with cold rain in the lead role,Destroying the snow’s body and removing its out line,It brings dirt and darkness,It covers the beauty Christmas lightsWhere some city houses are decorated And the lights convey only misery,Santa usually laughs in snowBut right now he looks as if he could cry in rainShivering and trembling An appointment with the wind David Originally tree and leaf were a family.They were stick together,Although the rains, frostsEven bugs were devastated.However, the leaf is always restless,As she has an appointment with the wind,The wind has given her a promiseBring her travel all over the world.Although the tree is to be unwillingto part.Even take the past story That they supported their lives in difficulty,However leaf approaches her life strait forwardly.Finally, wind comesHe comes so haughtyAnd comes out of the treeHe understands the tree is not his opponent.Even the tree has not a qualificationTo become a shape of his challengeFinally the wind has goneHe realized his promise with the leafThe rest the tree is crying silently and lonely.The cold moon warms my heart DavidWhen I go working on wayI always cross this wayA black cat sits thereHer body shakesLike a leaf is trembling on the treeHer eyes stares meAs if she wants to talk to me somethingBut I am tired of talkingAlthough I understandI can’t talk to herThe moon climbs the tip of the treeShine me and herI don’t know whether she felt warmHowever, I really understandThe cold moon warms my heart. Shower DavidA shower drips like water from adog’ s bodyWhen he crosses the streetShaking, he walksOver the lawn, leaves, dirtAnd town silentlyAnd then creeps away.Sun in winter DavidThe Sun opens its eyesGlances at the treeIts blurred vision likeA near-sighted manAlthough in winter it is consideredAs a leading actor, a serious fellowActually it careens over and around the sky,The ground, the streets, And even the city.人生本来就是一出游戏,有人喜欢玩扑克、麻将、桥牌、有人喜欢渔色、嗜酒、吸烟,总之每个人有每个人的玩法,本人喜欢玩诗,中国古诗、中国现代诗、英文诗都玩,但都不是很精,这是最近玩的诗,应家园网友之请,贴上家园,希望不会有损家园形象。
八根儿 说:牛B沙发先坐起慢慢欣赏。。。点击展开...只是玩诗的。不是写诗的。所以不能登大雅之堂,只能自娱自乐!我喜欢写字,尽管不是文人,你进我的QQ空间会看到我的头像还有我写的字。我的QQ空间是敞开的,任何人都可以光顾。
dave 说:只是玩诗的。不是写诗的。所以不能登大雅之堂,只能自娱自乐!我喜欢写字,尽管不是文人,你进我的QQ空间会看到我的头像还有我写的字。我的QQ空间是敞开的,任何人都可以光顾。点击展开...楼主,把你的中文诗也发到这里来俺们欣赏欣赏。。。
八根儿 说:牛B沙发先坐起慢慢欣赏。。。点击展开...八哥,你这不是拉我下水吗???而且这水还太深了,俺这浅水虾怕游不过去呀
dave 说:只是玩诗的。不是写诗的。所以不能登大雅之堂,只能自娱自乐!我喜欢写字,尽管不是文人,你进我的QQ空间会看到我的头像还有我写的字。我的QQ空间是敞开的,任何人都可以光顾。点击展开...楼主太不够意思了,尽是欺负一些没有文化的人,求中文版
求楼主的q 空间
静听风荷吟 说:楼主太不够意思了,尽是欺负一些没有文化的人,求中文版点击展开...mm也贴几首你的诗来凑趣嘛。。。
八根儿 说:楼主,把你的中文诗也发到这里来俺们欣赏欣赏。。。点击展开...想看中文诗去QQ我的空间,那里有很多。QQ号我已经告诉你了。先给你贴一首喝火令,也是描写圣诞雨的。看看中文和英文在表达同一件事上有多么的不同,这也是我喜欢中国古文字的根本原因。个人认为汉语之美是任何语言都无法比拟的。喝火令 曼舞一江冬雨化霜无影,风催雪白晶,思皑贪恋雪飘情。彤日夕烟销散,无月照身明。圣诞灯啼泣,飞花环道萦,今夜期盼碧花荣。辗转流连,辗转叹霜声,辗转万般无奈,伫立听风鸣。同样还是这个主题用7绝,7律,现代诗,甚至嵌字的手法都可以再表达,但是,英语只有一种表达方式。所以......曼舞一江冬是我QQ的网名。
静听风荷吟 说:想看中文诗去QQ我的空间,那里有很多。QQ号我已经告诉你了。先给你贴一首喝火令,也是描写圣诞雨的。看看中文和英文在表达同一件事上有多么的不同,这也是我喜欢中国古文字的根本原因。个人认为汉语之美是任何语言都无法比拟的。喝火令 曼舞一江冬雨化霜无影,风催雪白晶,思皑贪恋雪飘情。彤日夕烟销散,无月照身明。圣诞灯啼泣,飞花环道萦,今夜期盼碧花荣。辗转流连,辗转叹霜声,辗转万般无奈,伫立听风鸣。同样还是这个主题用7绝,7律,现代诗,甚至嵌字的手法都可以再表达,但是,英语只有一种表达方式。所以......曼舞一江冬是我QQ的网名。点击展开...赞楼上的荷mm,楼主的qq是1662232999楼主,你的qq设置有问题,不允许加好友。。。
八根儿 说:mm也贴几首你的诗来凑趣嘛。。。点击展开...
...... 超赞 赏 静 静听风荷吟 0$(VIP 0) 4232014-12-27#15 [QU中哦你OTE="richtree, post: 10425806, member: 260344"]完全看不懂。。。。[/QUOTE]俺只会中文,英文是完全不懂滴
静听风荷吟 说:[QU中哦你OTE="richtree, post: 10425806, member: 260344"]完全看不懂。。。。点击展开...俺只会中文,英文是完全不懂滴[/QUOTE]俺全看不懂
AMG12 说:俺全看不懂点击展开...俺也看不懂,反正看不懂,要不您再贴点日文的?[/QUOTE]你会日语?!我在加拿大没有机会用日语,会日语可以交流一下。
dave 说:是的,因为,我已经发过严正声明了。原因是我的QQ号已被盗多次,骗子总打着我的旗号在国内招摇撞骗,所以,我做了限制,只有我个人认为不是骗子的,我可以把ta加进来。幸亏现在在QQ空间的这些网友都知道我的品行,不然,可能还真有受骗者。点击展开...建议:1、空间设置为只有好友能访问2、装个360防盗号木马有用。。。
八根儿 说:建议:1、空间设置为只有好友能访问2、装个360防盗号木马有用。。。点击展开...谢谢你的建议,我个人感觉:空间就是让人进入的,没必要不让人访问。再说,不是每一个人都喜欢访问我的空间,既来者,说明是一种因缘,人不应该拒绝因缘。我已经装了盗号木马。谢谢!
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