加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息印度移民太厉害了


在哈法举办的印度节。哈法的印度团体(community) 准备买个中心。Thousands of Haligonians flocked to the Halifax Forum Saturday for the city’s seventh annual taste of India.And India Festival 2017 offered a treasure trove of Indian food from biryani to dosas, fine clothing and colourful fabrics and, of course, henna tattoos. Festival-goers also enjoyed thumping bhangra music and Bollywood-esque dancing, alongside more traditional Indian music.“We want to bring Indian culture to Nova Scotians and they come here and they can feel they’re in mini-India. They can taste the Indian cuisine and look at all the artifacts,” said organizer Sudesh Bhalla.Indeed, Haligonians of all backgrounds joined their Indo-Canadian fellow citizens in sampling delights from a civilization stretching back thousands of years.While India is one of the cradles of human civilization, the modern nation is a dynamic economic powerhouse and will celebrate 70 years of independence from Britain Tuesday.Bhalla said that Halifax’s growing Indian community is made up of proud Canadians who also celebrate their Indian roots.“August 15 is Indian Independence Day and it feels really great,” said Bhalla.She said Halifax’s Indian community is in good shape, with more families arriving every year.With roughly 2,000 members, the community’s size lags far behind its counterparts in Vancouver and Toronto, but increasing numbers are choosing Nova Scotia for its cheaper, more easy-going lifestyle.Bhalla said her community was planning to buy a centre on Dutch Village Road later this summer.One such community member was Atul Angra, a recent immigrant browsing the clothing stalls at India Festival.“I landed here last year,” said Angra. “I can see a lot of people round here, they are enjoying the food and the shops.”The food stalls were especially popular, churning out delicacies like dosas, pancakes filled with goodies such as spiced potatoes, a popular street food in Indian cities.Another popular dish — among many — was biryani, a savoury flavoured rice and meat dish from northern India.http://www.thechronicleherald.ca/metro/1494132-incredible-india-comes-to-halifax

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 反馈:秦砖汉瓦 L laox888 0$(VIP 0) 18,0682017-08-14#2 闻到咖喱香味儿了。

laox888 说:闻到咖喱香味儿了。点击展开...好香啊!

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 反馈:节节草 和 laox888 gossiip移民3年 0$(VIP 0) 1,7032017-08-14#4 华人有CHINA TOWN,阿三有吗?

华人怎么没搞出蒸汽机,电,互联网。。。?华人有CHINA TOWN,阿三有吗?点击展开...哈法没有CHINA TOWN。

Life is simple, but not easy. 超赞 赏 反馈:York22 和 节节草 节节草幸福的源泉 0$(VIP 0) 3,2122017-08-30#6 印度人挺聪明的,挺团结的。

细草愁烟,幽花怯露,凭栏总是销魂处。 日高深院静无人,时时海燕双飞去。 带缓罗衣,香残蕙炷,天长不禁迢迢路。 垂扬只解惹春风,何曾系得行人住! 超赞 赏 反馈:加拿大老熊 和 哈法 节节草幸福的源泉 0$(VIP 0) 3,2122017-08-30#7 印度移民一般都能做到领导的位置, 管理一帮白人的。

细草愁烟,幽花怯露,凭栏总是销魂处。 日高深院静无人,时时海燕双飞去。 带缓罗衣,香残蕙炷,天长不禁迢迢路。 垂扬只解惹春风,何曾系得行人住!华人有CHINA TOWN,阿三有吗?点击展开...有包头屯,比唐人街大。

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