加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息Elementary school and car
Hi, old friends, I will be in Saskatoon for a job offer. There are so much things to know, I hope I can get some help from friends there. 1.Could you recommend some good elementary schools? 2.What do I need to do with my car before moving it to the freezen city?2.1 Engine oil, my engine oil is -40C, is that OK for Saskatoon?2.2 Do I need to change the coolant fluid? It came with my camry.2.3 Do I need to change the wash fluid?2.4 Will the normal gas be frozen?
欢迎在论坛分类广告栏目中发布广告、提出需求 超赞 赏 lilianou关关难过关关过 0$(VIP 0) 11,4422009-01-08#2 回复: Elementary school and carWell come to Saskatoon.Elementary schools in graystone,wildwood,college park are good.
加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914Hi, old friends, I will be in Saskatoon for a job offer. There are so much things to know, I hope I can get some help from friends there. 1.Could you recommend some good elementary schools? 2.What do I need to do with my car before moving it to the freezen city?2.1 Engine oil, my engine oil is -40C, is that OK for Saskatoon?2.2 Do I need to change the coolant fluid? It came with my camry.2.3 Do I need to change the wash fluid?2.4 Will the normal gas be frozen?点击展开...2,换雪胎吧,很有用的。。。我上个冬天没换这个冬天换了,深刻感受到差别。。。然后记得要有BLOCK HEATER。。。来之前买一个刷雪的刷子,一根BLOCK HEATER CABLE,一根JUMPER CABLE。。。当然,也都可以来这里以后再买。。。2.1 5W30的机油就可以了。。。2.2 到处都有ANTI-FREEZER卖得。。。加油站都有。。。2.3 也有专门的雨刷水是不结冰的,WAL-MART,CANADIANTIRE都有卖。。。2.4 除了柴油,好像还没见过汽油冻住的,不过你开车过来,反正也要在当地加油吧,当地加的汽油觉得没问题。。。
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