加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息how about victoria school? thanks!
Dear all,Nowadays my kid is studying at brunskill school. however, we moved to a new location, could you guys reply this question? Many thanks!
回复: how about victoria school? thanks!not bad.
回复: how about victoria school? thanks!not bad.点击展开...thanks! however, from their website, i saw grade 3/4, 5/6 ,7/8 share the same teacher.so ?
回复: how about victoria school? thanks!Yes, some classics are combined by two grade.victoria school 是法语学校并且有英文班,我女儿本来也想去那里的,因为离我家近,不过学区不同,所以最后去了Henry Kelsey。Henry Kelsey是很好的法语学校。
加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914Yes, some classics are combined by two grade.victoria school 是法语学校并且有英文班,我女儿本来也想去那里的,因为离我家近,不过学区不同,所以最后去了Henry Kelsey。Henry Kelsey是很好的法语学校。点击展开...thanks! here also have 学区? someone told me i can go to any school except greystone if i'm not in that area.
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