加拿大华人论坛 加拿大生活信息一大清早抓了一个贼


早上半梦半醒中,听见门铃响,出去看见老公在后门站着,以为他忘了拿东西,开门后又爬上床继续睡。才刚躺下,电话就响了,接起来,老公急急的说:“快打911,抓住了一个贼!”“在哪里?”“后院,快点。”然后,藕打了911,一边讲电话,一边到外面,看到老公在后院的parking lot,正坐在一个黑衣人身上,黑衣人趴在雪地上,呱呱叫。大约3分钟后,警察来了。来的是两个,一个GG将贼拷上,带上警车,之后另外一个MM来给藕们录口供,最后将作为证物的一把斧头带走了。留下一张表格,叫《Victim Impact Statement》,让藕们填好交回去。PS:今天其实有点幸运的。老公比平常晚了半小时出门,一开家门打算进车库,抬头就看见车库灯亮着,他开始以为昨晚忘记关灯了,接着灯灭了,他就知道有人在里头,藕们家门离车库大约5,6米远,他站在家门口,躲在纱窗门后给我按门铃,然后看见贼打开车库门出来了,手里拿着一件不知道什么东西,老公没敢动,贼看见老公没动,就往后院围栏跑过去,途中将手里的东西丢下(后来才知道是藕们家的斧头),他翻过围栏的时候摔倒了,老公才冲过去将他压在地上的。警察说老公的做法非常正确。

加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914 超赞 赏 孩 孩子妈helen 0$(VIP 0) 1,2352010-10-30#3 回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼真吓人,有点害怕...... 待听下文

回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼关注:1.他是first nation吗?年龄多大?2.目的是偷车吗?

回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼关注:1.他是first nation吗?年龄多大?2.目的是偷车吗?点击展开...吸毒流浪汉,精神还有点问题,晚上找地方睡觉,早晨刚起来打了个遭遇战。要不然洋人那体格,莲藕老公止不住的。不知道瞎猜的!

回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼吸毒流浪汉,精神还有点问题,晚上找地方睡觉,早晨刚起来打了个遭遇战。要不然洋人那体格,莲藕老公止不住的。不知道瞎猜的!点击展开...想象力丰富哈 不过猜错了 那人应该刚进车库没两分钟,就听见开门声,赶紧关灯,拿武器,出来,逃走,可惜老天不帮他,让他摔了个大跟头,就让老公压制地上了。 藕现在头疼的是那个statement不知道怎么写,不知道多少年没写过东西了,唉。

加西万里行旅途杂记 比较几个省的亲属团聚类省提名温哥华家庭旅馆通讯录 温哥华的成人高中 莲藕家的新房子--自建房过程全记录(进行中)藕也织围脖:http://t.sina.com.cn/1852492914 超赞 赏 反馈:happytom 和 Flying Dragon majorshenzhen早起的虫子被鸟吃 0$(VIP 0) 13,8412010-10-31#7 回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼但愿不是国人。


回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼呵呵,好样的。

回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼比较惊险,这个贼不地道,还想拼命

超赞 赏 天亮说晚安 0$(VIP 0) 7652010-10-31#11 回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼这贼不会报复吧

正因成功并非易事,所以梦想才如此闪耀... 超赞 赏 happytom 0$(VIP 0) 6,9622010-10-31#12 回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼不是新盖的房子吧?

超赞 赏 shadow洛基山Sniper 0$(VIP 0) 4,6592010-10-31#13 回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼多危险,万一那家伙有刀办?

回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼怕怕。肉忙好样的,藕藕很福相的说

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?想象力丰富哈 不过猜错了 那人应该刚进车库没两分钟,就听见开门声,赶紧关灯,拿武器,出来,逃走,可惜老天不帮他,让他摔了个大跟头,就让老公压制地上了。 藕现在头疼的是那个statement不知道怎么写,不知道多少年没写过东西了,唉。点击展开...statement好写。2个方面:一是经济损失,这个简单,1.查查那些地方被他破坏掉,需要修复的费用,丢失东西的费用2.老公扑过去是否扭伤需要按摩治疗费用3.为看家护院不得不购买狼狗产生额外费用4.事件之后,你们夫妻工作不能够正常开展,造成间接损失5.严重影响了家里生意啥啥的。 二是精神伤害,这个是重点,目的是要求加强警力对你居住区的巡查,防止此类事件再度发生。可以从几方面写:1,三个未成年小女生受到极度惊吓,她们在后面的日子里不敢独处,不敢与外界接触,看到有陌生人就会惊恐万状,建议要心理疏导。2,那天好彩老公出门晚,不然手无缚鸡之力的藕们面临的也许是更大伤害,所以强烈要求案犯服最高刑期(这种案件2个月放人的情况很普遍,法庭最喜欢轻松处理:给犯案人禁止令,在一定时间内不允许他进入你住所2个block之内,所以建议3)3,禁止案犯不得进入女儿所在学校以及沿途回家的区域,不得进入你们工作场所附近。 其他的,暂时没有想起来

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?statement好写。2个方面:一是经济损失,这个简单,1.查查那些地方被他破坏掉,需要修复的费用,丢失东西的费用2.老公扑过去是否扭伤需要按摩治疗费用3.为看家护院不得不购买狼狗产生额外费用4.事件之后,你们夫妻工作不能够正常开展,造成间接损失5.严重影响了家里生意啥啥的。 二是精神伤害,这个是重点,目的是要求加强警力对你居住区的巡查,防止此类事件再度发生。可以从几方面写:1,三个未成年小女生受到极度惊吓,她们在后面的日子里不敢独处,不敢与外界接触,看到有陌生人就会惊恐万状,建议要心理疏导。2,那天好彩老公出门晚,不然手无缚鸡之力的藕们面临的也许是更大伤害,所以强烈要求案犯服最高刑期(这种案件2个月放人的情况很普遍,法庭最喜欢轻松处理:给犯案人禁止令,在一定时间内不允许他进入你住所2个block之内,所以建议3)3,禁止案犯不得进入女儿所在学校以及沿途回家的区域,不得进入你们工作场所附近。 其他的,暂时没有想起来点击展开...statement to write. Two aspects:First, economic loss, this simple, 1. Look up those places destroyed by him, in need of restoration costs, the cost of lost things 2. My husband rushed over whether the cost of massage therapy need sprain 3. For the housekeeping nursing homes have to buy dogs additional costs arising 4. incident, you and your spouse can not properly carry out the work, resulting in indirect losses 5. seriously affect the family business, Han Han's.Second, mental injury, this is the key aim of strengthening the police force requires the inspection of your area to prevent such incidents from happening again. Can be written in several ways:1, three young girls are extremely frightened, they are not the days in the back alone, not with the outside world, would be terrified to see a stranger, it is recommended to psychological counseling.2, the day her husband went out late with luck, or physically very weak in the lotus have to face greater harm may be so strongly urge the perpetrators of serving the maximum sentence (in this case 2 months release is widespread, most courts like easily handle: a prohibition order to the offender, in a certain period of time does not allow him to enter your home within two block, it is recommended 3)3, against the perpetrators allowed to enter her daughter's school and the area along the way home, not allowed to enter the vicinity of your workplace.The other, there is no remembered读起来这么别扭,哈哈

回复: 一大清早抓了一个贼statement to write. Two aspects:First, economic loss, this simple, 1. Look up those places destroyed by him, in need of restoration costs, the cost of lost things 2. My husband rushed over whether the cost of massage therapy need sprain 3. For the housekeeping nursing homes have to buy dogs additional costs arising 4. incident, you and your spouse can not properly carry out the work, resulting in indirect losses 5. seriously affect the family business, Han Han's. Second, mental injury, this is the key aim of strengthening the police force requires the inspection of your area to prevent such incidents from happening again. Can be written in several ways:1, three young girls are extremely frightened, they are not the days in the back alone, not with the outside world, would be terrified to see a stranger, it is recommended to psychological counseling.2, the day her husband went out late with luck, or physically very weak in the lotus have to face greater harm may be so strongly urge the perpetrators of serving the maximum sentence (in this case 2 months release is widespread, most courts like easily handle: a prohibition order to the offender, in a certain period of time does not allow him to enter your home within two block, it is recommended 3)3, against the perpetrators allowed to enter her daughter's school and the area along the way home, not allowed to enter the vicinity of your workplace. The other, there is no remembered 读起来这么别扭,哈哈点击展开...同步翻译机呀,你。老姐英文拽不了,怕了你不成……

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?statement to write. Two aspects:First, economic loss, this simple, 1. Look up those places destroyed by him, in need of restoration costs, the cost of lost things 2. My husband rushed over whether the cost of massage therapy need sprain 3. For the housekeeping nursing homes have to buy dogs additional costs arising 4. incident, you and your spouse can not properly carry out the work, resulting in indirect losses 5. seriously affect the family business, Han Han's. Second, mental injury, this is the key aim of strengthening the police force requires the inspection of your area to prevent such incidents from happening again. Can be written in several ways:1, three young girls are extremely frightened, they are not the days in the back alone, not with the outside world, would be terrified to see a stranger, it is recommended to psychological counseling.2, the day her husband went out late with luck, or physically very weak in the lotus have to face greater harm may be so strongly urge the perpetrators of serving the maximum sentence (in this case 2 months release is widespread, most courts like easily handle: a prohibition order to the offender, in a certain period of time does not allow him to enter your home within two block, it is recommended 3)3, against the perpetrators allowed to enter her daughter's school and the area along the way home, not allowed to enter the vicinity of your workplace. The other, there is no remembered 读起来这么别扭,哈哈点击展开...再读一边,我快笑翻了,没有你这样把建议当原文翻译的哦~~~~~打你一记的心思都没有,想直接踢你一脚

喂,请问是中国移动吗?我是中国联通,我的小灵通坏了,你们能派中国铁通来修一下吗?statement to write. Two aspects:First, economic loss, this simple, 1. Look up those places destroyed by him, in need of restoration costs, the cost of lost things 2. My husband rushed over whether the cost of massage therapy need sprain 3. For the housekeeping nursing homes have to buy dogs additional costs arising 4. incident, you and your spouse can not properly carry out the work, resulting in indirect losses 5. seriously affect the family business, Han Han's. Second, mental injury, this is the key aim of strengthening the police force requires the inspection of your area to prevent such incidents from happening again. Can be written in several ways:1, three young girls are extremely frightened, they are not the days in the back alone, not with the outside world, would be terrified to see a stranger, it is recommended to psychological counseling.2, the day her husband went out late with luck, or physically very weak in the lotus have to face greater harm may be so strongly urge the perpetrators of serving the maximum sentence (in this case 2 months release is widespread, most courts like easily handle: a prohibition order to the offender, in a certain period of time does not allow him to enter your home within two block, it is recommended 3)3, against the perpetrators allowed to enter her daughter's school and the area along the way home, not allowed to enter the vicinity of your workplace. The other, there is no remembered 读起来这么别扭,哈哈点击展开...


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