最近有一个尼日利亚客户来来我司考察工厂,然后要定一批机器,数额比较大,开始客户答应可以支付30%预付款,但是近期开立信用证的时候,客户答复如下:We have discussed extensively as management and with our Bankers concerning the transactions.
We were informed by our bankers that there is a new regulation from the Government that do not allow the transfer (T/T) for any transaction that is more than $50,000. This is strictly government regulation to guide against money laundering.
From the above, we have no choice but to allow the entire transaction and payment to be done through Letter of Credit (LC) 100% at Sight. Kindly discuss with the manufacturers about this new development and get back to us within 48 hours.
Please note we are ready to open the Letter of Credit immediately we get your confirmation to do so.
As mentioned above, do let us know as quick as possible if this approach is not ok with them in order to enable us start talking to other manufacturers immediately.
Hope to hear from you soon.
尼日利亚外汇有管制的,那个FORM M就是银行放款的凭证,每次都有记录。
加拿大电商我的客户需要从非洲免关税国家进口一些商品,所谓的免关税是不是也不用交增值税。 如果要交增值税,增值税的税率是多少? 菜鸟向各位前辈请教了。 评论 关税与增值税是俩个税种 加拿大电商Hallo, bitte schicken Sie uns mehr info uber die QT8-15- Machine MfG Alfredo 评论 晕死 是德语 你去德语区问问吧 评论 要你关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的信息 评论 跟你要关于QT8-15- 这个型号机器的资料信息
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