因为报关和清关的发票不一样,ECTN NO 申请货代也没做过,怎么办,担心年底做不好,评论
报关和清关的发票不一样 这样是没什么影响的 清关资料可以和报关资料不一致的
pls refer to the below info.:
Dear client:
According to ministerial order of the Rep. of Cameroon no. 00557 dated 11 July 2006. Any cargo,loading or unloading in the Douala/Cameroun harbour, whatever the customs procedure, must be covered by an ECTN validated by the Cameroon National Shippers Council or Conseil National des Chargeurs du Cameroon (CNCC) or its representative. Any cargo not covered by the validated ECTN constitutes an offence to the regulation in force in Cameroon, penalties will therefore be systematically applied at destination.
The application procedure is basically as follows:
- The applicant must advise us full contact details e.g. company name, address, telephone & fax numbers, email address, name of contact person.
- The applicant must advise us full shipment details e.g. total number of shipment, cargo type per shipment (total number of 20/40 container and/or total tonnage for bulk cargo and/or total
number of unit for RO/RO etc).
- Once receive the applicants order we will issue an invoice for your payment arrangement.
Payment to be made to our bank account. Our invoice will show the detail of our bank
- The completion of the ECTN is to be done within 10 days after loading.
- Once the shipment is made, you will have to fill in the Application Form and forward together with B/L copy and Commercial Invoice to us to prepare draft ECTN for your approval. You will need to check all details of the draft ECTN and confirm by return. Once ECTN is approved/validated it cannot be amended.
- Once the ECTN is validated by the authority we will send it to you by email in PDF file
You will need to print out the full set of ECTN and forward to the final consignee/receiver,
forwarder/shipping line etc. There is no hard copy of ECTN to be issued.
- One set of ECTN consist of 5 pages. We will advise you how to deal/dispose of these 5 pages by email together with the validated ECTN. Please ensure you comply with the instruction/regulation.
ECTN NO按你客人的要求去办理,报关和清关的发票不一样,是没什么影响的。
根据喀麦隆共和国法令,所有发货至喀麦隆港口的货物都必须申请电子货物跟踪单BSC(ECTN)。ECTN是英文:ELECTRONIC CARGO TRACKING NOTE的缩写。也有成为BESC,是法语BORDEREAU DE CARGAISON的缩写。
4、当局批复后的喀麦隆BSC/ECTN正本(PDF 格式)将以电邮发给贵司。贵司需将此文件打印出来或将附件转发给收货人,货代或船公司等。
我司新签 黑角 ECTN 安哥拉 CNCA . 如果有需要的了解的可以和我联系
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