You can export scrap materials to china smoothly if your company own AQSIQ licence, otherwise, you can't export any scrap materials to China.We have many years of experience and professional application knowledge and keep good communication with China AQSIQ official, also we have interpersonal skills and good social resources, the three indispensable factors will ensure you acquire the AQSIQ certificate.
All overseas enterprises exporting scrap materials to China shall apply to AQSIQ for registration.
The scrap materials from overseas enterprises, which have not obtained registration, are not be permitted to be imported; and the inspection and quarantine authorities at the port of entry shall not accept the inspection application for the same scrap materials.
Chapter 2 Qualifications for Registration and Application
Article 5
An overseas enterprise applying for registration shall fulfill the following conditions:
It shall be a legitimate enterprise in its own country (region);
It shall have permanent office or processing location and shall have a considerable operating scale;
It shall have familiarity with and a good understanding of the technical regulations on environmental protection and applicable environmental protection control standards of China, and shall possess the corresponding infrastructures and testing capacity;
It shall establish a quality assurance or environmental quality management system (with an ISO 14000 certificate) or provide a corresponding certificate of eligibility for certification, or have an established corresponding system with descriptive document which has been implemented;
It shall have relatively stable sources of supply, and have environmental protection control measures for the sources of supply;
It shall have no record of being involved in any major quality problems related to safety, hygiene, and environmental protection in the past three years.
Article 6
When applying to AQSIQ for registration, besides submitting the materials required by AQSIQ Notice 115 - 2003, an overseas enterprise shall submit the following written materials as well:
Organizational structure, responsibilities of departments and job positions;
An undertaking to abide by the technical regulations on environmental protection, applicable environmental protection control standards and the relevant laws and regulations of China;
Information on permanent office and processing locations (floor plans);
Certificates relating to type, quantity and environmental quality of supplies;
Quality control management system and relevant technical personnel (including control over dangerous waste, contaminated waste and arrangement on discarded waste);
Verification and acceptance system for raw materials;
Measurement and equipment calibration system;
Rules on control over substandard products;
Staff training programme;
Undertaking on control over environmental quality of goods (undertaking on environmental quality control over supply sources and merchandise suppliers);
Undertaking on bearing the cost incurred in the disposal of goods failing to meet environmental quality requirements.
Text materials submitted to AQSIQ in relation to application for registration shall be in Chinese or Chinese/English bilingual version.
and if you want more details and more information, you're welcomed to contact with me
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废料进口到中国? 做什么?
It's helpful~:lol
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