44F port of dischargeMANZANILLO PORT,BALBOA
+from field 44f:
cristobal or colon container termianal
+notwithstanding the provisions of UCP600,if we give notice of refusal of documents presented under this credit,we shall retain the right to accept a wavier of discrepancies from applicant and subject to such wavier being acceptable to us,release documents against that waiver without reference to the presenter provided that no written instructions to the contray have been received by us from the presenter,before the release of documents
+if dc is expired and such a discrepancy is accepted by appliant and dc issuing bank,dc expired commission at 1/4 PCT. per six months(MIN.USD65.00) is for beneficiary and will be deducted from proceeds,at time of reimbursement.
+if dc is overdrawn and such a discrepancy is accepted by appliant and dc issuing bank,dc overdrwan commission at 1/4 PCT. per six months(MIN.USD65.00) is for beneficiary and will be deducted from proceeds,at time of reimbursement.
[ 本帖最后由 zpaopao 于 2015-9-15 16:19 编辑 ]
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