有客户信用证46A 项要求有点多,不知道交单需要怎么操作,请教各位,有没有操作过的?就是第7,8,9,11项,怎么弄呢?谢谢
46A documents required
1.Drafts for 100 pct of invoice value
2.Beneficiary’s signed commercial invoices in three original and one copies.
3.Detailed packing list with complete details of all items in three original and one copies
4.Full set of clean shipped on board multi model bill of lading made out to order of state bank of india,marked freight collect and notify LC opening bank and applicant with full name and address.
5.All document(invoice, packing list, B/L and certificate of origin)should be split with each container wise.
6.Certificate of origin issued by china chamber of commerce.
7.Beneficiary must mention full description including grade reference number/model no/other identification mark on all packages.
8.Technical write up required with each lot issued by manufacture
9.Picture of all article require with each lot.
10.Hs code should be mentioned on each document.
11.Literature and catalogue required with each lot issued by manufacture.
这几个条款跟产品有关 知道产品就比较好理解,有问题可加qq 475741002,专业外贸十年^_^
6.Certificate of origin issued by china chamber of commerce.
10.Hs code should be mentioned on each document.
Certificate of origin issued by china chamber of commerce.贸促会出具的产地证CO,提供箱单和发票一天出正本。
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