我们出口水果罐头,产品保质期有3年。美国客人说必须在合同上注明在产品有效期内对产品负责才愿意签合同。原文如下:“We do not agree with your Claim section, you need to be responsible for the entire shelf life of the product”
“All claims on the quality and quantity must be made within 7 days after the Buyers receives the goods. The Seller’s liability is limited to taking unused product entire shelf life of the product. It is understand that the Seller shall not be liable for any loss caused by force majeure and Non-Seller’s factor. ”
Upon received of the goods at the port of destination, the Buyers shall immediately inspect the goods. All claims on the quality and quantity must be made within 7 days after the Buyers receives the goods. The Seller’s liability is limited to taking unused product entire shelf life of the product. It is understand that the Seller shall not be liable for any loss caused by force majeure and Non-Seller’s factor. The Buyers or the end user is responsible for having quality control inspected, accepted and/or rejected before going into production or consumption.
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