46A:document requiredcommercial invoice duly stamped and singed in 05 original made out for 19000.00 cost and freight tanger med port value indicatin separately chinese port and freight amounts showing as per proforma invoice no xm16008 dated 09/06/2016 mentining that an advance payment of usd 5700 has been already paid outside of this l/c
full set of clean on board original marine bills of lading (and one non negotiable copy)made out to the order of attijariwafa bank agence ibn khaldoun maroc marked freigt prepaid notify:
sarl acadia trading
18 rue charif mohammed ben
seddik tanger
90000 tanger
+packing list
71B charges
+all charges commissions and fees
Outside of morocco including courier,confirmation and reimbursement charges are on beneficiaries account article 37c is not applicable
48:period for presentation
documents must be presented within 21 days from shipping document date and within the validity of the l/c
49:confirmation instructions
78:instructions to the paying/accepting/negotiating bank
+shipping document must be sent to:attijariwafa bank-angle rue el kotni et rue aljounaid –casablanca (maroc)
+this credit is subject to the ucp for documentary credits i.c.c. 2007 publication no 600.
+we will cover you as per instructions for documents amount at four working days from your swift ceryifiying documents presented complied with L/c terms.
In cas confirmation not added by yourgoodselves,payment will be made at receipt at our counter of docunter of documents comploed with l/C terms.
[ 本帖最后由 白猫猫 于 2016-7-20 20:41 编辑 ]
能不能帮我 翻译下啊
QUOTE:白猫猫 发表于 2016-7-20 2035
能不能帮我 翻译下啊
加拿大电商求助平台,不锈钢或者有色金属之类的,哪个平台做的好? 评论 阿里巴巴应该是可以的 评论 楼主的产品有主打市场吗? 评论 是不锈钢的零部件吗? 评论 楼主说的不锈钢是具体哪类产 加拿大电商我在kompass 上注册了会员,但就是找不到可以发布信息的地方,怎么发布产品信息,请各位前辈多多指教一下。 谢谢各位拉 评论 会员服务区 联络信息 评论 您好! 我是康帕斯公司信息部
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