Export payment means that exporter gets payment through commercial banks banktransfer of proceeds between correspondent banks. Right now, m' Chm'a, there are three
main types as follows _-
1) Payment after receipt of proceeds, means that the bank has received the
payment from correspondent bank abroad and credits the exporter’s account as per the
current exchange rate.
2) Settlement of exchange on terms, means that the bank effects the payment as
per advanced schedule at fixed exchange rate no matter whether the bank has received
the proceeds from
3) Negotiatln'g documents under L/ C, means that the bank purchases all documents
from the beneficiary under L/C busm'ess. Then, negotiating bank sends documents to
issuing bank for reimbursement. However, the bank should deduct the discount m'terest
from the face value of the bill of exchange.
出口支付意指出口商通过商业银行经中间行进行款项银行转账. 现在, 有3种主要方式如下:
1) (银行)收款后支付, 即银行已经从中间行收妥款项, 并用即时汇率货记出口商账户
2) 远期汇率结算, 即银行用事先约定的固定汇率进行付款, 而不论是否收到付款.... (没抄错?)
3) 信用证项下议付单据, 即银行买入信用证受益人的信用证业务项下所有单据, 然后 , 议付行向开证行寄单索偿. 当然, 银行会按汇票票面金额扣取贴现利息.
第二条的最后应该还有字吧( the proceeds from....... )。
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