加拿大进出口外贸信用证上船证问题 帮忙一下


3)B/L to be accompanited by  a certificate/declaration issued and signed by the owner,agent,captain or company of the vessel and certified/attested by CCPIT stating:
1.name of the vessel......... previous name......
2.nationality of vessel........
3.owner of vessel........
4.the vessel will call at or or pass through the following ports enroute to saudi arabia.
1........ 2...... 3..... 4.....(please list ports )the undersigned(owner, agent,captain or company of the vessel)accordingly declares that the information provided(in responses 1 to 4)above  is correct and complete and that  the vessel shall not call at or anchor  on any other ports other than those mentioned above enroute to saudi arabia. written on the ......day of ..... 2017........
signature of vessels owner/agent/captain/company.
this  declaration  is not required if the vessel/ carrier belongs to one of the national carriers of the kingom of saudi arabia/ national shipping company of saudi arabia or the united arab shipping company,kuwait
6)a certificate issued ,signed and stamped by carrying vessels. carrier,owner,master or their agent showing carrying vessels name and certifies that the carrying vessels is subject to international shipping and port security safety code(iISPS),To international safety ,Management code(ISM) and it holds and a valid safety management certificate (smc)and document of compliance(doc)
7)beneficiary's certificate along with the fax confirmation report evidence that shipment advice has been sent to applicant within 3 days after shipment.

帮我翻译一下 , 然后 如果我找的船公司 是信用证中提单的 沙特阿拉伯船公司 ,那我第三条声明船证 就不需要了吧 ,那 第六条中证明 显示船只的名称,并证明船舶符合国际运输和港口安全法规(IISPS),国际安全管理规范(ISM)及其有效的安全管理证书 (smc)和合规文件(doc) 这个 还需要做吗 ,
第七条,提到受益人证明随附 装船通知传真确认报告 要在发货后 三天内发给开证申请人。是这样翻译的吗。但是 信用证 受益人证明 怎么写 没有提到


您好,第3条船证明, 主要困难在于要经CCPIT加签,这个不好操作,建议删除该要求。

第6条的船证明与第3条的船证明是相互独立的, 所以即使无需第3条的船证明,也还是需要第6条的船证明的。



信用证上5) certificate of origin issued by CCPIT stating the name and address of the manufacturer/or producers,and that goods exported are if chinese origin. 这个贸促会产地证 是按照一般CO 要求正常做 ,还是让贸促会另外再出一个文件 证明  stating the name and address of the manufacturer/or producers,and that goods exported are if chinese origin  请帮忙解答一下  谢了

2)full set of original clean on board ocean bills of lading made out to the order pf Al Rajhi Bank marked freight collect and notify applicant indicating this documentary credit number and name,address,telephone no.of the carrying vessels agent at the port of discharge.
同事建议我信用证号显示在提单品名下面的话 ,那这样操作和和这句话有没有冲突 ,这个客人要求提单 通知人显示信用证号及目的港代理的姓名地址电话。 那我该到底把信用证号码放在提单上哪里 帮忙解答 谢谢!


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