

Hi Dear,

I'm happy to read your reply today and i think we can be good friend despite we didn't know each other before, i had some plan of visiting your country soon and i will need a good friend over there to make things easy for me when i arrive... I'm Glory Johnson Rubel,i have two nationality, half Barbados and half Rwanda central Africa... But presently I'm in Senegal West Africa to sign some project with a company before i find my way out of the country immediately, i don't wish to be here so long due to nature of weather here... I may let you know about everything as we proceed on our introduction that's when you tell me more things about yourself...

I am 25years old, single, no kid yet, my parents were into business in almost West African countries, though they all happily dead. I need a partner friend with good understanding, to enable me continue where my parents stopped, i need to create a good family in future to show example of my late parents... I'm not so much in demanding anything from any person, all i need from my partner is honesty, I love moving from one country to other for holiday and also to understand people with different characters and culture because I was born and brought up in Barbados. I have visited many countries for holiday, I have several hobbies such as swimming, dancing, and reading, and would like someone to share that with me...

I consider myself to be a fairly honest and truthful person and expect the same in return once you make up your mind on me... I believe you will love to see my pictures, i am sending it to you here, check your attachment to see my pictures... Please, remember to tell me more things about yourself and send me your pictures too for me to love and like you the more OK, it's very important we like each other with all our mind OK... Hoping to hear from you soonest.. Yours for Kiss.. Bye



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