here are my requirements for a new bag packaging machinesealing of bag from 400 degrees until 500°C
width of film 400 mm and 600 mm
sealings on the side and not in the back
filling back with liquid as water , powder and two differents oils (four products fall at the same time in the bag
weght of the bag : from 150g to 1000g
speed of machine : from 15 units until 40 per minuts
second machine:
sealing of bag from 150 degrees until 250°C
width of film 400 mm and 600 mm
sealings on the side and not in the back
filling back with liquid as water , powder
weght of the bag : from 150g to 1000g
speed of machine : from 15 units until 40 per minuts
请加QQ 406857489,并请注明是做什么的。谢谢。
pls contact me to get more info about packing machine
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