现有一英国客人要女士牛仔套装,客人只提供裤子彩图,详细信息如下:Find the attachments of the required kind of jeans. Please keep the pictures
confidential as we would like to launch these in the market first.
The details for the samples are as follows :
UK SIZE 14 Jeans.
Material : Denim stretch : as in the picture
Colour : one navy blue as in the picture and the other black
Length : 39.5 inches
Waist : 32 to 33 inches
Inside Leg : 31 inches.
Belt : as in the picture with diamonte details.
Any more queries please ask. Let us know the approximate time for making of
the samples and delivering them. And price not to exceed 40 USD per jean.
Quality is very important for us.
Jeans jackets to match with the jeans : in uk size 12.
Measurements : Chest 36 to 38 inches
Lenght : 18 inches
Sleeves : 26 inches
如能达到产品质量并以欧洲为主要出口地的生产厂家,请联系MSN:[email protected] 或email:[email protected]。索取报价彩图。具体报价(FOB价)数量可按贵公司最小起定量来报。
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