加拿大进出口外贸Invest $1 can do business! good chance for Ebay new seller!


Good news!

we are CF-SPEC Company in USA,we are professional in making carbon fiber parts.we have our own factory so that we can control the producing process.hence,we are good wholesale supplier.
What is carbon fiber parts?They were propular used in motorcycle’s modification. Now it is the key Trends in the world.there are more and more people modify their motorcycle.it is a wise choice to begin the business from now .

Why choose the industry?The first advantage is the profit .it is about 40%-50% profit,that means your income is not less than several thousand each months.
the second advantage is the convenient. we can provide good service .For example, we can ship the item to your customer directly.you can save much time .

what are you waiting for?If you are interested in doing such business,welcome to our warehouse to see the sample or give us a call to inquire the details.

Look forwards to coorperation.

Our Address:
16061 Kaplan Ave
City of Industry,CA 91744


Working time:11am-7pm

首先必须有EBAY帐户,且信用度不能低于300.因为这样才有一定的刊登数量,说明具备销售能力 卖我们的产品很快上手 不然新手的话EBAY很多限制 很难开展.如果职业靠EBAY谋生的中小型卖家 我们欢迎你们联系.请加QQ1798252406


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