加拿大进出口外贸Career: Buyers and Purchasing Agents



Buyers and purchasing agents try to buy the best products at the lowest possible prices.
Take an ordinary bottle of shower gel. You bought because it smells nice, is affordable, and has special ingredients for dry skin. And, secretly, you also thought the bottle was pretty. Have you ever thought how that shower gel was made? Maybe you picture large vats of bubbly liquid being stirred. But what about the different ingredients that go into the vats? Maybe now you're picturing a scientist in a white lab coat, testing the latest recipe. Yet, that scientist isn't the only person involved in creating the perfect shower gel. Someone is needed to buy the glycerin, preservatives, lathering agents, and even the pretty bottle the gel comes in. These products all come from different vendors and suppliers.

Buyers and purchasing agents buy goods and services for their companies. These goods and services are then resold. Those who buy finished goods, such as clothes or furniture, are called buyers. Those who buy the parts and materials that help make goods are called purchasing agents or purchasers. These two types of workers have similar duties.

Before buying any goods, buyers and purchasers research suppliers. Suppliers are the people who sell the goods and services. Buyers and purchasing agents review the history and quality of the suppliers. They go to trade shows and examine the goods that are on display. They may travel to factories to examine products. Buyers and purchasing agents review suppliers¿ prices, quality, availability, and selection.

Once buyers and purchasing agents find a few good suppliers, they solicit bids. This means they give suppliers a list of what they want. Suppliers then give buyers and purchasing agents a written statement of the cost for all those goods. Buyers and purchasing agents try to bargain for a lower price on the goods. Once they are happy with the price, buyers or purchasers sign a contract with the supplier. Buyers and purchasing agents continue to monitor the contract to ensure the agreements are met. If there are any problems, they work with suppliers to resolve them.

Purchasing agents must know how their products are created. They must know what types of material work best for manufacturing. They must order parts to be there when production needs them. If the parts are missing, many businesses have to stop production. If purchasing agents don¿t plan well, companies lose money.

Buyers are rarely told what to buy. Instead, they buy what they think appeals to customers. Thus, buyers must be aware of the latest fashion trends. Buyers also watch their competitors and see what they are buying.

Buyers and purchasing agents often specialize in what they buy. For example, a buyer for a department store may buy only shoes. A purchasing agent may buy one type of commodity, such as steel, cotton, or wheat. However, in small companies, one buyer may buy all the products. Buyers and purchasers keep track of economic information that relates to their product. Thus, they track market conditions, price trends, or the futures market. Many buyers and purchasing agents use computers to track this data. They also use computers to monitor inventory and sales.

Some buyers and purchasing agents are supervised by managers. These managers handle the more difficult purchases. Other buyers and purchasing agents direct staff. For example, they may teach staff about the qualities of new products. They may also approve advertising campaigns and recommend prices.

In some companies, buyers and purchasing agents are involved in product development. Their knowledge of a part¿s cost, availability, and suitability to the job can help with the design. Another recent change is team buying. Buyers and purchasing agents work closely with other staff when deciding what to buy. They may talk with engineers and quality control staff about the best parts to order.

Purchasing staff who work for the federal government may be called contract specialists. They usually use sealed bids. Different suppliers submit their product prices on an anonymous bid. The specialist chooses the bid that is the lowest. Contract specialists must follow many laws. Since the laws change occasionally, contract specialists must stay informed.

Farm product buyers work closely with farmers. They may negotiate contracts for farmers to produce certain goods, such as milk, soybeans, or Christmas trees. They may arrange for the purchase of seeds for the farmer to grow. Farm product buyers spend a lot of time outside surveying the land. They may advise farm workers or growers how to increase their production. They also may write their suggestions in publications that reach larger audiences.
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