This was the first time I went to Canton Fair, though before I have participated a lot both in Shanghai and other places. I thought it would be similar to these exhibitions. But I am totally wrong. The following is what I have experienced.(1) I’ve heard that Canton Fair charge visit fees, but never think ordinary people can not even enter it though you’d like to pay it. Fortunately, I took my passport with me, and with Daniel’s(He is our Manager) permanent card, I finally got the card of two-day permission after paying RMB600 (300 per day). The procedure of entering the Fair is just like boarding the plane, checking the permission card, luggage, and there is even a real soldier standing in the middle of the gate.
(2) The first day (4-16)I went there too late, because I went to the bank to transfer the money to Jared in the morning. So it would be wasteful if I just visited for 3 hours with RMB300. I sited outside for a while and someone gave me a throwaway of a near-by show which was called Aftermarket Auto parts & Tuning International Trade Fair 2007. I looked around there and found some interested catalogues, and next day when I got entered the Canton Fair, I found that there were many factories that also set booths there, and people there were more passionate than those in Canton Fair.
(3) Most of the booths in Carton Fair were set by trading companies, I was a little bit confused by this phenomena, because as a buying agent ourselves, we could hardly make deal with these companies. Therefore we skipped many booths, and, for the direct manufacturers, there were so many foreign buyers so they showed little interest in Chinese people. It really depressed me a lot at first, some even still sitting in their chair and when I asked for interested catalogues, they made excuses and did not want to give me.
What I learnt from these experiences is:
(1). Make better preparation for every bad possibilities. We shall search on internet for Canton Fair enters requirements or asked for other people who have gone there before. Do not assume everything as a matter of course.
(2) Contact manufacturers beforehand and ask them whether they will attend the shows, if you have contacted a manufacturer on the phone and then went to their booths, they will treat you as an acquaintance.
(3) Training yourself, neglect inhospitality and behave more professional.
一转眼秋季的广交会又要到了 时间过的真快
我是三月初去这家公司的 4月份就去参加广交会 还是很激动的
当时我们是住在深圳的新都酒店,4星级520一晚,靠近火车站,离香港很近(广州当时根本就订不到合适的酒店),每天早上坐火车去广州,再转地铁.顺利的话也就罢了,偏偏那个动车组老是误点,总之痛苦不堪 不过现在想起来也是宝贵的经验
亲身经历呀 又不是编的
这篇是我去广交会之后的总结发给公司所有人看的 包括老板
结果偶们老外说我写的fantastic, 哈哈
i do not think canton fair is worthy of being visited
如果你是外国人或有台胞证,进去就不要钱咯,或者你有工厂的参展证 也可以进去的.
可惜我没得去,就听去参加的同事说,那些工厂的人都不理他 .哈哈
那里基本上中东的比较多 据说有一个中东的骗子 去广交会看到什么都问工厂要样品,然后收集了一个集装箱的样品回国去卖了 这样一年就啥也不用干了
是哦 问他们要产品目录很困难,要名片都爱理不理
而且那里进出口公司超级多 郁闷
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