Subject: Season's greeting, message to Supplier尊敬的供应商 / 外协:
Dear Suppliers / Sub-Contractors:
First of all, thank you very much for your great support and co-operation through these years!
In the coming Year 2008 & Chinese New Year, please be mindful of the impression of gift giving. Please avoid giving gifts, cash, shopping vouchers or inappropriate social entertainment, do so would create a difficult situation both for you & for our people.
As an organization, we greatly value our relationship with our suppliers / sub-contractors, and intend to avoid all situations where business decisions appear to be based on anything other than sound business rationale, or that could interfere with our decision to procure your products or services.
Finally, thank you again for your support and service in year 2007. We look forward to work together and grow together in year 2008.
Wishing you a happy, safe, healthy and prosperous new year!
FOB (Shanghai) Ltd
, 总经理
Mr. FOB, General Manager
25th December 2007
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·生活百科 出口有限按需