we should ask ourself about our career frequently,and adjust it accordingly.there is something for us to think about it.
What about my career at the company?
1.Understand your career ladder.
2.Take your performance reviews very seriously
3.Establish your own career path
4.hold frequent discussions with your manager.
Where am I now?
What is my next step?
How long will it take me?
How to be successful at company?
1.Overdeliver! 超出老板的期望!
2.Be passionate about your work 对工作充满热情
3.Anticipate your manager’s requests 你老板要求你之前,先行动起来
4.Be transparent (open & honest)诚实&坦率
As you move up in company?
1.Spoken English becomes more important.
2.Presentations are key.演讲非常重要。
- Public speaking.
-Organizing thoughts into PowerPoint
-Selling your concept to others
What else can I do?
1.Build a strong network of colleagues与同事良好的关系
2.Find a coach/mentor to guide you找个有经验的人帮你
3.Understand company working cultures了解公司的文化
- Work by consensus达成一致意见
- Teamwork团队精神
- Humility (Be humble)谦虚
[ 本帖最后由 wina25 于 2010-3-20 10:52 编辑 ]
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