The Importer Limited is a Birmingham, United Kingdom based import and wholesale company that has REAL offices and warehousing, we are not a ‘virtual company’ like many others on the web!We have been sourcing products from China & Hong Kong for over 8 years and our main sales region is the United Kingdom and Europe (Denmark, Holland, France, Germany, Ireland, and Belgium).
The product lines that we import and wholesale are:
Children’s Bedroom & Play Room Furniture, Household Furniture, Office Furniture, Gym Equipment
Laptop Computers, Mobile Phones, Spy Camera, USB Flash Drives, Gadgets, New Electronics Items
Baby Products, Baby Clothing
We also help factories to sell unwanted Stock, for example if your customer has cancelled order, you made error in production or printing, or the stock is old, we can help you to sell this stock to customers in the UK and Europe.
Any product and any quantity is considered, please email us with your stock, photos, prices and we will help you to sell it for a win win situation.
We are looking for factories and wholesalers for long term business relationship, we have very good contacts in the UK and Europe for many products, if you wish to work with our company please send us your product pictures and best prices, and we will include your products on our new showroom website.
For more information please contact:[email protected](ENGLISH)
For more information please contact:[email protected](CHINESE)
We look forward to doing business together.
E-mail:[email protected] MSN:[email protected]
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