买家询盘: Hello X Looking to place an order for 1000 units. We will be needing a sample first. Do they come with the controllers? Kind Regards. Thats not a problem we will pay for the samples we need about 4, blue red black and white. we will use our own delivery service DHL as we have an account with them we can send over to you. whats your cheapest price for 4 robots? considering if the quality is as good as you say it is we will be a long term customer ordering up to 1000 a month Kind Regards供应商疑问:这是一个英国tradekey采购商,说是要采购1000个机器人玩具,首先要4个样品。我一看是个 大单,4个样品就打95折,邮费减免10%来给他发送样品。 可以我回复之后,他一直没有给我回复,我想知道是我的产品报价报高了还是什么 地方出了问题。 如果他再给我回复,我怎么回复他可以把这个大单抓住。
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