加拿大进出口外贸美国 最强的搜索引擎


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I worked as a buyer many moons ago and we used to use the Thomas Register books that we bought every year for finding industrial suppliers. It's like a yellow pages for industrial supplier manufacturers and distributors. The website may be really helpful in finding companies to call on . Obviously we realize that we are in a climate that import/export is slower, but if we could pick up some business, we may have some real opportunities here especially when the market turns around.

If you go to www.thomasnet.com  you can register with a username and sign on that you can save notes, finds, or information. Let's say we knew that we had a great rate, or perhaps we were looking for freight that would dim out for ocean, or dense for air, etc. you can specify the type of commodity and the state to begin.

For instance, let's say I wanted to find OVENS in the Illinois area , I can type " OVENS" and drop down to "Illinois" and search, it will give me any matches and some of the following information: That 1 query for Ovens in Illinois generated 15 results, here is one of them.

Grieve Corp., The - Round Lake, IL
Company Profile: Custom manufacturer of industrial heat processing equipment including ovens for laboratory, industrial, cleanroom & pharmaceutical applications. Types of ovens includes vacuum, forced convection bench, high temperature bench, microprocessor bench, large capacity bench, horizontal & vertical air...

If I select " Company Profile" it will provide the reader with detailed information as to whether they are a distributor, manufacturer, etc. the product(s) information, the uses, the number of employees ,sales, the officials, sometimes the buyers/salesman or material managers, a link to their website , phone/fax, etc. ... the best part, is it shows the Export market and the Import Market.  This one below does not import according to this, but some are importers and exporters.

URL:        http://www.grievecorp.com

Sales:        $25 - 49.9 Mil
Employees:        100-199
Activity:        Manufacturer
Year Company Founded:        1949
Certification:        ISO 9000
Export Markets:        Latin America/Caribbean, South America, Western Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Pacific Rim, Australia, China, Europe, Canada, Mexico
Officials:        D.V. Grieve, Pres.
Frank Calabrese, Sales Mgr.
Tim Daro, Advertising Exec

Additionally, the reader can save the information, they can make notes, they can email the company, they can email another user, etc. So I could see this and send a note to a salesperson in Chicago and advise them to check them out and see if this is something that they would want to call on. It's just a thought to really hit the pavement and find new leads to get in the door to some business maybe we haven't called on and gives a place to start. With this, it's nice because we could really specify the commodity if it's something we know that we do well with.

应该是 谷歌 吧 ,谷歌在美国做的很好啊!


加拿大电商露天电影首发——葡中双语字幕《中央车站》 http://bbs.shanghai.com/thread-1714999-1-1.html screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoo 加拿大电商做区块链为什么都注册新加坡基金会 目前做区块链项目的客户都会通过注册基金会来作为项目的主体,为什么都在新加坡注册基金会,首先性价比高,而且新加坡市场也比较成熟,项目
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