

1. http://www.made-in-china.com/ (have showroom, can resubmit, very well)
2. http://en.china.cn/  (can repost, have showroom)      
3. http://www.sugoo.com/Index.htm        
4. http://www.sugoo.com/Index.htm     
5. http://www1.tradekey.com/     (only five products, can repost)
6. http://all.kellysearch.com/  (only submit company profile, search for suppliers)
7. http://gulfbusiness.tradeholding.com/   (very well, received feedback, but the page couldn't open for selling leads)  
8. http://account.hisupplier.com  
9. http://www.tradevv.com/  (can repost, have showroom)  
10. http://www.allproducts.com/index.html   (just can submit several products)
11. http://www.asianproducts.com/   (couldn't resubmit)
12. http://www.ec21.com  (couldn't resubmit)
13. http://my.diytrade.com   (no selling leads, couldn't resubmit, msn online chat)
14. http://member.ecplaza.net/  (can repost, have showroom)
15. http://www.广告.com/  (have showroom, msn, can repost)
16. http://www.toocle.com/  (can connect with email)
17. http://www.busytrade.com/  (can repost, have showroom, very well)
18. http://www.tradeeasy.com/ (have showroom, msn, skype, can repost)
19. http://www.exportersindia.com
20. http://www.tradeboss.com/
21. http://www.ecvv.com
22. http://www.ec51.com/  (can repost)
23. http://www.trademart.in/ (picture couldn't contain words)(have showroom)
24. http://www.tradett.com/   (can repost)
25. http://www.jimtrade.com/  (only company)
26. http://www.commerce.com.tw/  (can repost)
27. http://www.tradeindia.com/index.html (selling leads content couldn’t same)
28. http://www.tradekorea.com (have showroom)
29. http://my.en.china.cn (can repost, have showroom)
30. http://www.ectrade.com/  
31. http://trade.indiamart.com/ (have showroom, can repost)
32. http://www.tradeprince.com/ (have showroom, can repost, can connect online)
33. http://psc.globalsources.com
34. http://www.manufacturers.com.tw (have showroom)
35. http://www.trader-china.com
36. http://www.sulekhab2b.com
37. http://www.tradetuber.com/ (only company) (have showroom)
38. http://www.inanc.com (should pay)
39. http://www.eceurope.com/  (only company information)
40. http://www.ecrobot.com/
41. http://www.offer21.com/
42. http://www.imexbb.com/ (can repost)
43. http://www.广告/ (can repost)
44. http://www.toboc.com/ (have showroom)
45. http://www.fuzing.com
46. http://www.liquidation.com
47. http://win.mofcom.gov.cn/en/
48. http://www.hktdc.com/
49. http://www.me360.com/ (can add blog, can repost, have showroom)
50. http://my.hellotrade.com (can repost)
51. http://www.tradelead.com/ (have blog, not well of products and selling leads)
52. http://nudeal.com/welcome  ( no product picture, not well)
53. http://www.go4worldbusiness.com/  (no product picture, not well)
54. http://www.cometotrade.com/Web/SellerHome.aspx (not all products, just so-so)
55. http://www.btob99.com/index.html  (no product picture in trade leads)
56. http://www.allactiontrade.com/  (well, but some should pay)
57. http://www.b2s.com/   (just so-so)
58. http://www.bizviet.net/  (can see hits, personal information not well)
59. http://www.ietrade.com.cn/  
60. http://www.tradeget.com/  (not well)
61. http://www.tradezone.com/trade-leads/register.php  (just so-so)
62. http://www.tradebig.com/  (have showroom)
63. http://www.guoxinb2b.com/  (should pay)
64. http://www.vietoffer.com
65. http://www.aaaoe.com/  (very well)
66. http://www.goodsres.com (just products, good for find buyers)
67. http://www.chemnet.com/ (can repost, post products should pay)
68. http://www.tejari.com   (have showroom, just five products for free, no selling leads)
69. http://www.etradeasia.com (couldn’t register with free email)
70. http://www.tpage.com/ (don’t receive active link)
71. www.biztrademarket.com (have showroom, can repost, but only five products and selling leads for free, received messages)
72. http://afrizulu.com/member  (can repost)
73. http://www.广告/ (very well)
74. http://www.wtexpo.com/  (can repost, only five products and selling leads)
75. http://en.algomtl.com/  (just so-so, only add free ads)
76. http://www.bombayharbor.com/ (well, have showroom, but no picture in selling leads)
77. http://ckw19.gm11.b2bquote.com/
78. http://www.gobizkorea.com/  (not well, just company information)
79. http://www.sumerium.com/  (very well, receive many messages)
80. http://b2b.exportfocus.com/  (just so-so)
81. http://www.businesspatrol.com/ (just so-so)
82. https://www.agrotrade.net/  (Korea food website)
83. http://www.tbc-world.com/
84. http://www.chinapt.com/  (not well, only company information)
85. http://www.tradeseek.com/ (not well, most should pay)
86. http://www.chem-a.com/enregist1.php (just for search)
87. http://www.fibre2fashion.com/
88. http://www.belgiumtradenow.com/  (not very well)
89. http://www.ibuy-sell.com/
90. http://www.fiberopticsonline.com/
91. http://china-suppliers.easybizchina.com/  (can repost)
92. http://www.business-italy.biz/
93. http://www.vietnamtrade.org/
94. http://www.theindiadirectory.com/index.htm
95. http://www.africabusinessnet.com/
96. http://www.saudicommerce.com/ (can repost)
97. http://www.cneuol.com/View/ (can repost)
98. http://www.berlinkauf.com/
99. http://www.cometotrade.com/Web/Login.aspx  (for renewable energy)
100. http://www.manufacturer.com/  (can repost, very well)
101. http://runnersanitary.en.makepolo.com/
102. http://www.trade-ok.com/english/index_en.asp
103. http://www.imexbb.com/
104. http://www.tradecity.in/  


[ 本帖最后由 kathyangle 于 2010-5-19 16:35 编辑 ]



[ 本帖最后由 kathyangle 于 2010-5-19 16:38 编辑 ]



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