

In the current export security CCTV products market, China products occupies a big share among all suppliers in the world as an very important manufacturing base of security CCTV system products.

For the moment, the main markets for China CCTV security cameras are EU and north America areas.

Guangdong is the biggest CCTV security and surveillance products manufacturing base in China, most of these products exported from China is produced here. About 80% of China security CCTV manufacturers are located here, they produce CCTV security cameras, DVR, CCTV monitors and so on.

In Guangdong, as the most important and biggest manufacturing center, Shenzhen provides wireless CCTV cameras, high speed dome cameras, CCTV LCD monitors, baby monitors and so on. There are many big companies, as well as many small assembly companies here, they develop fast thanks to local full complete components industry links.

Manufacturers in Tianjin and Jiangsu are mainly producing dome cameras, Beijing companies produces IR CCTV cameras and vandal-proof CCTV cameras, Fujian and Jilin manufacturers mainly produce camera lens.

The security CCTV camera keeps the biggest share in all security products exporting, reaches 71%, CCTV system is 16%, CCTV DVR products is 11% of the whole security products export, while the CCTV monitor exports ratio is 2%.

Among all markets for security CCTV products, North America is the biggest one, which imports 36% of China exporting security CCTV products, the second biggest importer is EU with its share of 23%, Asian areas imports about 11%, Middle east area and Non EU European countries imports almost the same quantity 11%, other countries occupies the last 8%.
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