Tradekey Scam
I just wanted to tell everyone about my experience with Tradekey. I recently contacted a company about buying 5 Nintendo Wiis for a total of $1000.
Sounds good, right?
Turns out that the lady that I was talking to doesn't work for the website that she claimed to. She sent me a list of customers that had purchased from them before. I contacted them and they all said that is was safe. They were all US customers.
They did send me a package. It was ONE Nokia N95. NOT 5 Wiis. I wrote to complain. She said it was a shipping mix up and that it would get fixed. I waited a week, then two. I contacted her serveral times during that period. Everything that I got back said something about how her manager was fixing the situtaion.
I very recently sent an email saying that If I didn't get a tracking number and receive the package soon that I would be forced to sell the N95 and cut my losses. I have yet to hear back since then.
I made a few major mistakes that I want to warn everyone about so they don't do the same.
1. I assumed that because she sent me a link in her email that she worked for that company. I did contact them through tradkey.com, but she somehow got in the middle.
2. I only used email to contact her. In the future, I want every form of contact possible and I will check on them before buying anything. Email is not enough.
3. I can't believe that all of the customers that I talked to were lying. She must have gotten into someone elses files. Again, contact in more that one method would have helped.
4. I asked to use an escrow service and was denied. This should have been a HUGE red flag.
Long story.... Don't buy anything unless you are 100% sure. Don't be like me and get caught up in the excitement.
在国内开tradekey很烦啊, 开个网页要N长时间,一刷新还会死屏
无一讯盘 闷
我们也做了银盘, 询盘倒是挺多的, 但是不太专业, 联系几下就发现都是个人买家, 就没什么兴趣了!
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