1). AATCC 8 Dry Crock Class 42). AATCC 8 Wet Crock Class 3
3). AATCC 16A or AATCC 16E at 40 hours
4). Brush Pill ASTM D3511-02 Class 3
5). Breaking Strength ASTM D3597-D1683-64 (50lbs minimum warp and weft )
6). Seam Slippage ASTM D3597-D434 (25lbs minimum warp and weft)
7). All fabrics must exceed 30,000 double rubs, Wyzenbeck test.
8). NFPA 260
9). Seam slippage ASTM D3597-D43-959 (for fabrics over 6oz/sq yd) 25lbs minimum in warp and weft.
http://shop111289420.taobao.com/ for sale.
In addition, there was a mistake on the colors.
For color option #1, we requested the main body to be G221 which is correct BUT for the flange we requested G255 but you made the sample with flange color G225.
Please make sure this is corrected in the new sample.
For color option #2,the colors are correct.
Please simply proceed sampling in correct yarn quality.
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