加拿大进出口外贸Search on MapQuest官方搜索方法


MAPQuest 是老牌的地图服务网站,最近在懒人工具里加入了这个网站的搜索应用,特地整理它的一些搜索方法

How Can I Use the Search Box to Find Locations?

We offer our users a multitude of ways to search on MapQuest! Even if you don't know the exact address or precisely what it is you're looking for, we’re here to help.

Did you know you can search for:

Addresses: "1555 Blake St, Denver, CO"

Business Categories: "Pizza, Denver, CO"

Businesses by Name: "Papa John's, Denver, CO"

Points of Interest: "Grand Canyon" or "Disneyland"

International Locations: "Paris, France"

Airports: "O'Hare Airport" or "LAX"

Latitude/Longitude: "39.750463, -104.999528"

举例 Seafood-Wholesale near: 705 Meloche Ave, DORVAL, QC H9P2S4

http://www.mapquest.com/?q=Seafo ... RVAL,%20QC%20H9P2S4

Tips & Tricks

Searching for Businesses, Points of Interest, etc: For the best, most relevant search results, please use both a "what" and "where" whenever possible when searching. For example, in the search query "Pizza Denver, CO", "Pizza" is the what, and "Denver, CO" is the where.

Searching for Intersections: The best way to search for intersections is by using the following format:  [Street 1] & [Street 2], [City], [State] (or zip). If you know the street's suffix (Ave, Street, Drive, etc.), please include that for best results.  For example: "16th St & Blake St, Denver, CO" or "16th & Blake, 80202"

Searching for Addresses: The best way to search for addresses is by using either "Address Line 1, City, State" or "Address Line 1, Zip Code". For example: "1555 Blake St, Denver, CO" or "1555 Blake St, 80202"

Searching using Latitude/Longitude: MapQuest currently only supports decimal format for Latitude and Longitude values. Be sure to use the minus symbol ( - ) when indicating S Latitude or W Longitude. If you need to convert your coordinates from degrees to decimals, you may use the FCC conversion tool. http://transition.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/DDDMMSS-decimal.html

How Can I Search the Map Using the Business Locator Toolbar?

Looking for restaurants, hotels or coffee shops on your map? Find them fast by clicking on the Business Locator Toolbar icons. Or, type something into the Business Locator Toolbar Search Box (such as 'daycare') and we'll find it for you.

How Does the Business Category Search Work?

Our Business Locator Toolbar (the set of blue icons above the map) allows you to search by categories, such as gas stations or grocery stores, or by business chain, such as Comfort Inn or Best Western.

To use the Business Category Search, simply create your map or directions then search a category by clicking on the corresponding icon.

How Do I Use the Gas Prices Feature?

For our standalone Gas Prices website, you may click the Gas Prices link in the header of MapQuest.com (along the very top of the page)

To see Gas Stations and Gas Price data within your existing map or directions on MapQuest.com, you may use the Business Locator Toolbar to activate the Gas Stations layer.

    Create your map or directions
    Click on the Travel Services icon within the Business Locator Toolbar on top of the map, denoted by a car and a plane
    Select Gas Stations
    The gas stations along your route (or within your visible map if you have not yet generated a route) will be marked with numbers that correspond to the new search list located within the left panel

How Do I Use the "Search the Map" Feature?

    Create your map or directions
    Click on the Search the Map icon within the Business Locator Toolbar on top of the map, denoted by a magnifying glass
    Enter a business name or category (ex: "Comfort Inn" or "coffee")
    Businesses relevant to your search will display along your route (or within your visible map if you have not yet generated a route) with numbers that correspond to the search results within the left panel

How Can I Add a Search Result I Found Using the Business Locator Toolbar to My Route?

    Click on your desired business category icon (i.e. travel services, shopping, etc.)
    Select your desired business subcategory (i.e. gas stations, grocery stores, etc.)
    Businesses matching your search selection along your route will be listed in the left panel
    Click on the Map Marker for the business you wish to add to your route
    Click Add to Route
    The business is now a route stop in your directions

I Entered an Address in the Business Category Search Box. Why Didn't It Work?

The Business Category search will only find results for a business category (such as 'coffee' or 'grocery store') or by a business chain name (like Best Western or Comfort Inn).

If you know the address, please use the search box within the left panel to search for it or add it as a route stop in your directions.

How Do I Use "Search Nearby" to Search for a Type of Business Near an Address?

Once you've mapped your location, you can search nearby the location you've mapped in two ways.

To search within the map, simply:

    Click on the Map Marker of the location you've mapped
    Select Search Nearby
    Enter your search query (either a business category or business name)
    Click Submit

To search within the left panel (under search results), simply:

    Click Search Nearby under the address result you've searched for
    Enter your search query (either a business category or business name)
    Click Submit

Your search results will appear in the left hand panel as a new tab. To switch between tabs, click the tab marker at the top.
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