内容如下,有些句子太长,看得似懂非懂的,郁闷。BID BOND BANK GUARANTEE
In cosideration of M/s…………………………………….……………..hereinafter called the BIDDER having submitted the accompanying bid & in consideration of value received from………………….…….……………...…......................................................... we….……………………………………..hereby agree and undertake as follows:
1. To make unconsideration payment of Rs…………………….. upon your written demand without further recourse, question or reference to the BIDDER or any other person in the event of withdrawal of the aforesaid bid by the BIDDER before the end of the period specified in the bid after the opening of the same for the validity thereof or if no such period to be specified within 90 days after said opening and or in the event that the BIDDER shall within the period specified therefore or if no period be specified within 15 days after the prescribed forms are presented to the BIDDER for signature the BIDDER shall fail to execute such further contractual documents if any, as may be required by the terms of the bid as accepted or on the BIDDER failure to give the requisite Performance Bond as may be required for the fulfillment of resulting contract.
2. To accept written intimation(s) frm you as conclusive and sufficient evidence of the existence of a default or non-compliance as aforesaid on the part of BIDDER and to make payment accordingly within 03 days of the written intimation.
3. No grant of time or other indulgence to, or composition or arrangement with the BIDDER in respect of the aforesaid Bid with or without notice to us shall in any manner, discharge or otherwise, however, effect this Guarantee and our liabilities & commitments hereunder:-
4. This Guarantee shall be binding on us and our successors in interest and shall be irrevocable.
:funk: :funk: :funk: :funk:
:funk: :funk: :funk:
:Q :Q :Q :Q
我也很想知道这方面的知识,怎么没有高手来解释解释, 期待高手知道啊
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