加拿大进出口外贸U.S. Proposes Permanent Ban On Commercial Drivers’ Texting


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Transportation Department proposed on Wednesday to make permanent a ban on text-messaging by drivers of commercial trucks and buses.

The plan, which was announced on an interim basis in January by the Transportation secretary, Ray LaHood, would apply to drivers of interstate buses and trucks over 10,000 pounds.

The proposal “keeps our commitment to making our roads safer by reducing the threat of distracted driving,” said Mr. LaHood, who has campaigned against text-messaging and talking on cellphones while driving.

As navigation systems, cellphones and mobile electronics have become prevalent in cars and trucks, safety advocates and the government have pushed for restrictions. The Transportation Department reports that 5,870 people were killed and 515,000 injured in 2008 in crashes connected to driver distraction, often involving mobile devices or cellphones.

Trucking and bus industry officials have said they support the ban on text-messaging and many companies already have policies. The government prohibition does not apply to onboard devices that allow dispatchers to send text messages to truck drivers, but industry officials say most of the devices have mechanisms preventing their use while a truck is moving.

Twenty states and the District of Columbia already prohibit all drivers from text-messaging behind the wheel, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association. An additional nine states restrict text-messaging by novice drivers.

Research by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration showed that drivers who send and receive text messages take their eyes off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds out of every 6 seconds while text-messaging. At 55 miles a hour, that means the driver is traveling the length of a football field without looking at the road.

The public comments on the Transportation Department’s proposed ban will be accepted until May 3. After reviewing comments, the department is permitted to issue the new rule.
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