


I had a closer look at your kangsong fuel pump today and decided to look into it more thoroughly.
I checked the pump at the inlet end and decided to spin the roter where the impeller wheel is using a needle.

Here i found some plastic particles stuck inside the impeller wheel which are called burrs.
Having the plastic burrs stuck inside inlet impeller wheel can cause a few problems.

1. Can reduce the psi (pressure) of the pump
2. Can reduce the lifetime of electric fuel pump

If you are lucky by installing and activating the electric fuel pump it could possibly push out the plastic burr (depending on the size of burr) though the outlet end cover.
I noticed Walbro and other generic electric fuel pumps use a metel impeller wheel for the intake which will last for a lot longer than the conventional kangsong plastic inlet impeller wheel.

Here i have attached a picture as a sign of proof, the plastic peices which came out of the 2 fuel pumps that you supplied me.
I am telling you as a friend and telling you for customer feedback so that you know.

Maybe there is a downfall in the qaulity control section at your assembly line in the factory.
This does not stop me from purchasing off you, but it is good to see we have the communication in place so that things will go smoothly.
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