

大家帮忙看看这个客户到底要干嘛啊? 很急的要合同可好像不是为了买我的产品,可是有为了什么那?我入行浅不懂的。请大家指教啊。有么说么啊!!谢谢啦。我是alice 哦。。
Andrey: actually we are company who need deliver bearings from Guanjou to Russia
Andrey: our partner had buy bearing already
Andrey: ok Alice have a nice time
Andrey: bye
alice: ok. have a nice time,bye
Andrey: Hello Alice
Andrey: Can we speak about contract?
alice: yes
alice: i am waiting for you
Andrey: ok would you like chat or conversation?
alice: aha...yes
Andrey: Alice we need template of contract as byuers
Andrey: with all terms conditions bank details
Andrey: you know my email because I had mail to you alrready
alice: yes..i know that..
alice: we can offer you the documents
alice: but we should talk the details about the bearing
alice: can you accept the price right.?
Andrey: yes price are fine just wait a second
Andrey: yes we need proforma invoice and template of contract
Andrey: because how can we pay your invoice?
Andrey: we need here in russia open business deal based on contract and we'll pay money through bank but bank need contract
Andrey: yesd from Guanjou
Andrey: sea port
Andrey: if ypu are interesting about weights this is 37365 kg
Andrey: 2 containers 20"
alice: so thanks your phone
Andrey: thank you Alice
alice: you are welcome, but i think i have some question
alice: so we need to discuss
Andrey: ok no problem I'll wait for you response
alice: ok, i will talk with my boss..about shipment and payment.ok..hold on please
alice: we have promise that we undertake the cost of freight, you should know that?
alice: right?
Andrey: as far as I know we take care about freight to Guanjou sea port yes?
alice: yes...
Andrey: and I am asking about contract which we are signing between companies
Andrey: traiding bearing and cargopartner
Andrey: not face to face we cat do it remotely and send each over by fax
Andrey: scanned copies

alice: we have got a trade company and then i will send you the cotact and P/I when i finishied it
alice: but the Guajou sea port I can't find out it  or you can tell me did you import from this port and do you know the forwarders. i need your help thanks
alice: or you can tell me the code of your sea port
alice: my forwarder need that
Andrey: "Cangzhou" lat=38.304449, lon=116.83884 you can try in google earth this coordinates
alice: hi.so the sea port is my country guanghzou province?
alice: right?
Andrey: yes
alice: but why do you give me a country port?
Andrey: Alice that is not a problem at all which sea ports and so on. We nees copy of contract of your company on bearings buying
Andrey: can you sent me that copy
Andrey: that is all what we needs!!!
alice: ok,,
Andrey: we wanna see contract days for money transfer
Andrey: terms conditions that is normal for ALL companies
alice: i will send you that when i need it...
alice: give me  a little time .
Andrey: ok time is not a problem
Andrey: I can wait
Andrey: we shall look at contract details and after sign it on buy bearings



[ 本帖最后由 wilhelmye 于 2010-4-22 22:18 编辑 ]


你们之前谈的是什么呢?已经是要签合同的步骤了吗?是TT before shipment?
我之前和一个南非的客人,他只发了张他的SHEET过来,列明他要的东西和价格,然后就要我开INVOICE,因为他们要PROFOMAS INVOICE,银行才批准他们付款
然后我经理说过,有时我们的Sales Confirmation(合同)就相当于他们的形式发票。


我们之前什么都没谈啊。只是给他报了价格。然后就这样了。。也太快了吧。问题是先谈好了细节再要然后去付款不就行啦哈。。。干么这么急 啊。。?


这个客户好睿智啊  还google earth 呢
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