谢谢大家了,希望货能早点做完呀。急死人了,本来是今天交货的。唉 没办法只能拖时间了。。。
[ 本帖最后由 shorgan 于 2010-4-30 15:35 编辑 ]
The goods have been finished 9000pcs, the other 1000pcs will be arranged production tonight. It will be finished tomorrow at latest. Attached please check the goods ready, for your reference. If no problem, we will arrange shippment tomorrow or next Monday. Please advise us the shipping address.
哦 谢谢你 XEME............
生产了9000支才给人家看,太迟了吧? 不过还是很愿意翻一下练练笔~
Up till now 9000 pcs have been finished, for the other 1000pcs, we're pulling an extra shift tonight. The whole batch is expected to be finished within tomorrow at latest. Attached please check the finished goods. If there is no problem with you, please tell us the address, we'll arrange to deliver you the goods tomorrow or next monday.
Attached is 9000pcs of goods that have been produced,and the left of goods that you ordered will be finished tomorrow.
Pls send me the address that where the goods go,and We will ship the goods to you ASAP.
the attached is 9000pcs of goods thet have been finished,the rest of 1000pcs will be finished till tomorrow at latest.please send the shiping address that where the goods go,and we will ship them to you according asap.
we have been finished the 9000pcs till now, and we will produce the balance 1000pcs overtime tonight,we can confirm all the products will be finished tomorrow. Enclosed you will find the list that we have finished,just FYI, if everything is ok, we will arrange a shippment tomorrow or next Monday. Please kindly inform me your address where we should send the products to.
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