

八、 合同争议的解决方式
九、 合同生效
1.        本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,自签字盖章之日起生效。
2.        本合同生效后,双方关于本合同执行情况的一切书面材料(传真、电子邮件或其他形式)均作为本合同之补充附件。
3.        本合同传真件同样有效。

[ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-5-9 21:17 编辑 ]

8. Dispute
    Any dispute  which arises in connection with this agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation and based on facts by both parties . If it still can not come to conclusion, any party shall have the right to suit the other party.
9. Effective
1.  This agreement has two copies, one for each party, it will come into force since the day of sign and stamp.
2.  After the effective of this aggrement, the writing documents of the implementation of this aggrement(facsimile, e-mail or other forms) betweent all parties shal act as supplemental enclosure.
3.  The fax copy of this aggrement are equal valid.



8. Dispute Settlement Terms
    Any dispute that may occur in the process of carrying out this agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation and based on facts by both parties . If it fails to reach an conclusion, either of the two parties shall have the right to suit the other.
9. Contract Executement
1.  This agreement is in duplicate;each party holds one copy.It will come into force from the date of signment and stamp.
2.  With the xecutement of this aggrement, all the writing documents of the implementation of this aggrement(facsimile, e-mail or other forms) between these two parties shall act as supplemental enclosure.
3.  The fax copy of this contract is equally valid.

8. Arbitration
All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, either party may be prosecuted according to the relevant law.
9. Terms of contract

9.1 This contract is in duplicate, each party holds one, and comes into force as soon as it is signed and sealed by two parties.
9.2. After this contract comes into effect, all written materials, such as fax, email and other forms, which serve for the implementation of this contract of both parties, were added as the contract attachment.
9.3. Fax copy of this contract has the same legal force as the original of the contract.

8. Arbitration
All disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, either party may be prosecuted according to the relevant law.
9. Terms of contract

9.1 This contract is in duplicate, each party holds one, and comes into force as soon as it is signed and sealed by two parties.
9.2. After this contract comes into effect, all written materials, such as fax, email and other forms, which serve for the implementation of this contract of both parties, were added as the contract attachment.
9.3. Fax copy of this contract has the same legal force as the original of the contract.


8.Settlement of disputes

All disputes arising out of this contract or in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negociationand base on facts. In case of no settlement can be reached, any party should have the right to suit the other party.

9. Effective
1.  This contract has two copies, one for each party, it will come into force since the day of sign and stamp.
2.  After the effective of this contract, the writing documents of its implementation (facsimile, e-mail or other forms) betweent all parties shal act as supplemental enclosure.
3.  The fax copy of this contract are equal valid.

有别的翻译也可以发到我的邮箱,[email protected].会第一时间给您答复。谢谢。


9.1  AND it will come into....
9.3 fax copies
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