刚刚货代打电话给我,如果5月19号不能出货,就要等到30号了,所以我刚刚跟生产部门协商了下,定于5月19号出货,所以请你安排一下余款,谢谢![ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-5-14 13:15 编辑 ]
After consult with production department,we will arrange the shipment on 19 May.
So please make a remittance of USD....Thanks very much!
I was informed by forwarder that if we can not deliver on 19 May, we have to wait until 30 May. After having negociated with production department, We set 19 May as the delivery date, could you please settle the balance? Thank you for your understanding!
we got notice from fwdr the ship day will be extend to 30th provided we failed to delivery it on or before 19 May.
After double check with our producation dept we confirm u now the ship day 19 May is available,pls arrange the balance payment soon.
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