以下是客户收到产品后反映的问题,麻烦各路高手帮忙翻译一下,我要给老板,车间主管等部门看的。鄙人表达能力有限 ,所以急求FOB论坛的各路大侠了···PS:我们的产品是投影仪。先谢谢了。> The knob on the side (keystone control) is often lying loose and not attached. It does not line up when / if one tries to re-attach it. (I can verify this because I noticed it on 2 projectors at Tino's) Guys are complaining about this (especially Chris Ward) because it starts their presentation / hook-up on a bad note and sets up more suspicion than is helpful.
> Power cords and extra bulbs are sometimes missing (and the power cords sometimes don't work)
> The fan motors sometimes buzz loudly
> Sometimes the projectors quickly shut off
> One guy (Denny Robinson) had a customer complain that one smelling like it was seriously overheating (it seems related to fan problems ??)
> Another issue I'm hearing is that the menu sometimes comes up in Chinese. Chris Ward is kinda upset (he flew down to Florida and got a large bunch for the drive back and this has happened with several in the last 2 days) ... Chris is starting to say that it's exactly like Glenn says about us -- "STFO gets the cheapest shit they can and tries to sell it to us because they don't care" - THIS IS A VERY INFLUENTIAL GUY.
Here's an idea !!! How about placing an identifying code / sticker on each projector that identifies the specific assembler / quality control checker so it can be traced back to that person ?-- I hear that Glenn was having the same problems at one time and instituting this system solved the problems 。
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