Blue Blanket MT Type蓝色军用毛毯-12000条,单层,双面一样的
1. Certificate of Quality
2. Certificate of Conformity
3. Certificate of Guarantee
4. 2 samples
5. The product is manufactured in blue color with 3 white stripes crosswise disposed at equal distance between then on each end.
6. Technical conditions:
The blanket is manufactured from carded wires, in structure and in weft, Nm 2.5/1 with the fallowing composition:
50 % wool category 41 white 50%羊毛 41类白(国际通用)
10% relon 10%人造丝
10% type L celo-fiber 10% 涤纶纤维,与羊毛纤维的长度相同
15% A type lint (wool) 15% 绒棉(羊毛)
15% L type celo-wool 15% 下脚羊毛(在制作羊毛过程中除掉的部分,好像蚕衣的那部分。)
7. The final fabric must have the fallowing properties:
Nr. crt. Technical Details U/M Values Testing according the fallowing standards
1. Width of the blanket 宽 cm 140±3 SR ISO 3932-98 or similar
2. Length of the blanket 长 cm 200±10
3. Mass over square meter 平方米克重 gsm 1071±54 STAS 6142-73
SR EN 12127-03 or similar
4. Mass over linear meter g/ml 1500±75 STAS 6142-73
SR EN 12127-03 or similar
5. density in warp 经线密度 wires/10 cm 81±4 SR EN 1049-2-2000 or similar
6. in weft 纬线密度 Wires/10 cm 142±7 SR EN 1049-2-2000 or similar
7. Breaking load in warp daN min. 60 SR EN ISO 13934/1-02 or similar
8. Breaking load in weft daN min. 52 SR EN ISO 13934/1-02 or similar
9. Breaking elongation in warp
经线拉伸度 % min. 45 SR EN ISO 13934/1-02 or similar
10. Breaking elongation in weft 纬线拉伸度 % min. 45 SR EN ISO 13934/1-02 or similar
11. Base binding Half-double in weft STAS 6431-75 or similar
12. Fineness of the wires 纺纱的基层 Nm 2,5/1 SR 5804-93 or similar
The mass is considered for normal humidity
The dimensions are expressed in cm and the margin except for the length and the width are ±2
Finishing: it must be dyed in fluff, with resistant colorant agents, linted on both sides, festooned on all sides with relon band, of blue color with a 5 cm width. The minimum resistance for the paintings must be according with the SR 6626-95 or similar.
Wool Rug 羊毛毯-单层4000条
8. Certificate of Quality
9. Certificate of Conformity
10. Certificate of Guarantee
11. 2 samples
12. The imposed requests are considered to be as minimal compulsory requests
13. The Rug texture must be done with diamonds pattern, the final color will be decided later.
14. The rug must be done from carded wires, in structure and in weft Nm 6/1 or Nm 6/2, with a wool composition with max 30% relon 34%人造丝+66%羊毛
The final product must have the fallowing properties:
Nr. crt. Technical Details U/M Values Testing according the fallowing standards
1. Width of the rug Cm 140±2,5 SR ISO 3932-98 orimilar
2. Length of the rug Cm 200±5
3. Mass over square meter g/mp 707±35 STAS 6142-73
SR EN 12173-03 or similar
4. Mass over linear meter g/ml 990±49 STAS 6142-73
SR EN 12173-03 or similar
5. Thickness in structure fire/10 cm 160±8 80±5 SR EN 1049/2-00 or similar
6. Thickness in weft fire/10 cm 165±8 85±5 SR EN 1049/2-00 or similar
7. Content of synthetic fibers %max. 34
8. Breaking load in structure daN min 30 SR EN ISO 13934/1-02 or similar
9. Breaking load in weft daN min 25 SR EN ISO 13934/1-02 or similar
10. Breaking elongation in structure %min 20 SR EN ISO 13934/1-02 or similar
11. Breaking elongation in weft %min 25 SR EN ISO 13934/1-02 or similar
12. Base binding diagonal 2/2 double STAS 6431-75 or similar
13. Fineness of the wires Nm 6/1 6/2
The mass is considered for the normal humidity
Final statements: It must be dyed in with resistant coloring agent, milled, linted on both sides, festooned on all sides with a band of brown color. The minimum resistance for paintings must be according to SR 6626-95 or similar.
The product must be tested to a specialized laboratory RENAR accredited, a different laboratory than the one used by the producer.
The quality certificate will mention the lawfulness terms that must not be smaller than the ones specified by the standards.
1. Certificate of Quality
2. Certificate of Conformity
3. Certificate of Guarantee
4. 2 samples
5. The pillow is made of back cushion tercot
Nr. crt. Material Type Technical details Material used for
1. Back Cushion tercot According to pct. 7 Base material
2. Sewing Thread Nm 54/3 STAS 11626-90 or similar Assembling
3. Textile waste Padding
6. The textile waste must be from melanin, wool, cotton, etc, and it must be well teased, disinfected, and it must not contain dust, impurities or noxious substances for the human body. The textile waste must not contain any type of grease or oils in order to stain the pillow case
7. Back cushion tercot details
The fabric must be done from a fiber composite: 50% cotton and 50% polyester fiber. The fibers must have in structure Nm 40/2 and in weft Nm 20/1.
The fibers must be according to STAS 287-80 şi STAS 5806-81 or similar.
The fabric must have the fallowing characteristics:
Nr. crt. Caracteristici tehnice U/M Values Testing Methods
1 Greutatea g/mp 216 ± 9 SR 6142-2007
SR EN 12127-2003 or similar
2 Thickness in structure fire/10 cm 200 ± 8 SR EN 1049/2-2000 or similar
3 Thickness in weft fire/10 cm 200 ± 8 SR EN 1049/2-2000 or similar
4 Breaking load in structure daN min. 65 SR EN ISO 13934/1-2002 or similar
5 Breaking load in weft daN min. 63 SR EN ISO 13934/1-2002 or similar
6 Binding Canvas STAS 6431-75 or similar
The values are considered for the normal humidity.
8. Finishing - burned, thermo fixed, starched, calendered. The textile must not contain noxious substances for the human body
9. Dimensions
Nr. crt. Dimensions U/M Values Tolerances +/-
1. Length cm 68 1,5
2. Width cm 48 1,5
3. Raw weight of the pillow g 1500 50
10 . Indications about how to manufacture the pillow
A) The back of the pillow must be cut out from one or 2 pcs. with the length oriented in the same way as the direction of the weft threads.
B) The joining sowings of the back of the pillow must be executed from the interior, with 2 machine made seams (stitches) with an exception of 15 cm to one of the end in order to fill the pillow with the textile waste. The 15 cm opening has folded sides hand stitched or machine stitched.
C) The textile waste must be uniformly distributed inside the back of the pillow without any gatherings.
D) The sowing must be done with no slipping and it must be reinforced at the ends. The thickness of the sowing must be of 4-5 steps/cm
The product must be tested to a specialized laboratory RENAR accredited, a different laboratory than the one used by the producer.
The quality certificate will mention the lawfulness terms that must not be smaller than the ones specified by the standards.
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