I always tell myself that I must improve my oral english.But I really do nothing for this,just say it again and again as I say lose weight.Today I decide to creat a new topic for myself.I hope I can insist on.Welcome to every english lover to inform me my mistakes.11th May,2010 Tuesday
从一粒沙子看到一个世界, To see a world in a grain of sand.
从一朵野花看到一个天堂, And a heaven in a wild flower.
把握在你手心里的就是无限,Hold infinity in the palm of your hand.
永恒也就消融于一个时辰。And eternity in an hour.
节约用水一点一滴,珍惜粮食一颗一粒. Save every drop of water,treasure every grain of food.
我等待,我祈祷,总有一天我能在天堂与你相见。I stay,I pray,I see you in heaven one day.
我们都是永恒的公民。永远不是一种距离而是一种决定。We are citizens of eternity. Eternity is not a distance but a decision.
QUOTE:I hope I can insist on
pls remember this...
一沙一世界 一花一天堂
我也想坚持每天听英文,but fail.
Improving little by little everyday.
呵呵。。说实话。。这种句子。。我记了就忘。。我有时候就喜欢自言自语。。比如说我正在公车上。。我就会自己在那里说英语。。很小声。。I am on the bus now..there are a lot of people. it seems....我就会说很多。。我看到的。。我想到的。。我今天的感觉。。有时候。。也会写下来。。有时候。。也会突然想。。咦。。要是客户来了。。我应该怎么说。。客户来之前会发生什么。。。等等。。一样到我就自己开始在那里用英语自言自语了。。遇到不会的。。我就会百度。。呵呵。。这样我会觉得实在一点。。。有时候。。听听英语歌。。练练语感。。有时候看看原文电影。。找找感觉。。
Of course it's easy to forget if I see or read the sentences only once.But before I wirte here,I have made the following steps:
1)Search the Chinese-English sentences on the web.
2)Read the Chinese parts and then interpret them into English.
3)Compare my interpretation with the original versions.find out my mistakes and remeber some key words.
4)Read english and recite without the notebook.
5)I will recite the sentences again in next day.
6)At last, I will write down the chinese at first,and then write from memory the english according to the chinese.
I hope I can insist on.fighting!!!
我:I don’t know at all, still on the way…
我:ok, will call you later, but I am afraid you’ll have to wait a long long time…it has a traffic jam here.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand.
Summer is coming,Im so tied. maybe I should take a good rest or drink a cup of coffee. Suddenly ,I become very lively when I chat with one of my customers on MSN.I like to chat with him because he is so cute.He gave me an order some months ago.Now he is interested in our new items .
Our conversation as followes:
I said“ hello,XX,how are you.do you have any new ideas of our items??”.
he said“your product is on processing.It takes times to get this order.”
I said “ok,I’ll wait for your good news.”
He said “Buddhas+god help us!!!!!!!!!! ”
I said “haha,good luck to us!!!!”
He said“Let’s pray everday!”
I said“haha everyday?? Oh my god ,amen……”
He said“yes,good girl! Leave the order to god”
It’s right the order based on many factors, luck is very important, some things seem to be doomed.
however mean your life is.meet it and live lt,don't shun it and call it hard names.it is not so bad as you are.it looks poorest when you are the richest.the faultfinder will find faults in paradise.love your life,poor as it is.
它会持续更久,一波接一波地发生,而且为防止病毒蔓延人们将本能地相互躲避。it would last longer,come in waves,and people instinctively shun each other to avoid the spread of the virus. 它是我的梦想我的天堂。it is my dream,my paradise.为什么我们本能地怕蛇而不是怕枪?why we are instinctively scared of snakes instead of guns.道德是个人心目中的群居本能. morality is a herd instinct in the individual.摘要任何社会的进步,都要以一定的道德作为代价.all advancements of the society,all wants to be price with certain morality. 其产品覆盖反病毒,网络安全和黑客防卫。its products cover anti-virus,network security,hacker protection.她捐款给一个动物保护协会。she subscribes to an animal protection society.
hey there, i added you into my friend, but would you like to add my qq or msn or skype? i mean in spare time, i really wanna learn sth from you. mine: [email protected] for msn, 598365978 for qq.
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