On termination for Buyer's convenience, Seller at the time of termination may have in stock or on firm order completed or uncompleteditems or raw, semi-processed or completed materials for use in fulfilling this order. (A) For completed items or materials, Buyer shall either require delivery of all or part of the completed goods and make payment at the order price, or (without taking delivery) pay seller the difference, if any,between the order price and the market price (if lower) at the time oftermination. (B) For uncompleted items or raw or semi-processed materials,Buyer shall either require Seller to deliver all or part of such goods at the portion of the order price representing the stage of completion, or (without taking delivery) pay Seller for such goods which are properly allocable to this order, a portion of the order price representing the stage of completion,reduced by the higher of the market or scrap value of the goods at that stage of completion. (C) For goods which Seller has on firm order, Buyer may at its option either take an assignment of Seller's right under the order or pay the cost, if any, of settling or discharging Seller's obligation under the order. (D) If Buyer terminates for default, Seller shall be liable for additional costs, if any, for the purchase of such similar goods and services to cover such default. Payments to Seller hereunder shall be the sole remedy available to Seller in the event of a termination by Buyer.
11. Buyer's rights and remedies under Paragraph 7-10 inclusive shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under this purchase order.
项目或原材料,半加工或完成履行这项命令使用的材料。 (一)对已完成的项目或材料,买方须按规定的全部或部分完成的货物和付款交货的订单的价格,或(不提货)支付卖方的差异,如果有的话,价格之间的秩序和市场价格(如较低)当时oftermination。 (乙)对于尚未完成的项目或原料或半加工材料,买方应要求卖方交付或者在该命令的代表完成阶段,价格等全部或部分货物的一部分或(不提货)卖方支付等货物妥善分配的这项命令,该命令的代表完成阶段,由市场或废弃的货物价值较高的减少在该阶段的价格完成的部分。 (三)为货物销售员的公司秩序,买方可以自行决定采取任何根据该命令的卖方的权利转让或支付费用,如果任何解决或根据该命令卖方履行的义务。 (D)如果买方违约终止,卖方应当承担额外费用,如果有的话,对于这种类似商品和服务的采购,以支付拖欠。本协议应支付给卖方的唯一的补救办法在一个买方终止的情况下提供给卖方。
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