包装印刷词汇1.Adhesive tape double 双面胶纸 2.both side art paper 双粉纸(C2S)
3.adhesive tape single单面胶纸 4.Brown wrapping/kraft/vellum 牛皮纸
5.calendering 磨光 6.calender varnishing 磨光
7.card board咭纸 8.card box 咭盒
9.carton 纸箱、坑箱、卡通纸 10.1 ply B8 corrugated board B8单层坑纸
11.Binding 装订 12.binding board 灰板、板纸
13.Blister 吸塑 14.Board 咭纸
15.die-cutting模切、啤 16.coated two side 双粉(C2S)
17.coated one side 单粉(C1S) 18. coated paper.铜板纸
19.embossing die 击凹凸模 20.endpaper paste on 贴衬
21.corrugated E-flute box 坑盒 22.exported carton 出口纸箱
23.corrugated paper 瓦楞纸、坑纸 24.eyelet/grommet鸡眼
25.film 菲林 26.cutting切纸
27.flock paper 植毛(纸) 28.debossing 击凹
29.die cut 啤 30.die-cut mould 啤板
31.die-cutter 啤机、模切机 32.foil stamping 烫色
33.hot melt 热熔胶 34.hot seal 热压、热封口
35.Fur 皮革 36.hot stamping 热烫、烫色
37.foam/sponge海绵 38.ghosting 鬼影
39.imposition 拼版 40.Impression 印数、印张、压印
41.gluing 涂胶 42.gift box 礼盒
43.gold blocking 烫金 44.gold stamping 金烫、烫金
45.grams per square metre 克/平方米GSM 46.Insert/inset/foldout 插页
47.interleaves 内隔页 48.greyboard 双灰
49.gripper 牙口 50.guillotine 切纸机
51.half-tone 单色调 52.hollow back 通脊
53.hardback 精装 54.hard back 精装书
55.heat-seal calendar varnish 磨光吸塑 56.laminated indexing(index lamination)透明胶
57.laminating 过胶PP、压塑料膜 58.Leaf 张页(2PP)
59.leaflet 小折张、单张、折页 60.Metal colour 金属墨
61.Lid 盒盖 62.Millboard 版纸
63.Lid and base box 天地盒 64.mounting 对裱
65.Mount(pasted)裱纸 66. lining 裱纸、裱背、皮壳贴被纸
67.multi-colour 多色 68.lock-bottom 扣底
69.Lock 锁 70.nipping 压印线、书贴压紧
71.notch bound 通气胶装NB 72.Machine varnishing 机过油(光、哑)
73.Matt laminating 哑胶 74.Gloss Laminating光胶
75.Offset printing 柯式印刷 76.Magnet 磁石
77.one side art card 单粉咭C1S 78.makeready sheet 校版纸
79.out of register 套印不准 80.matt art paper 哑粉纸M/A
81.Packaging 包装 82.punch board 打孔
83.PVC box PVC 胶盒 84.PVC widow 透明胶片窗口
85.plastic 塑料 86. rigid box 浆糊盒
87.plastic magnet 胶磁 88.Plate 印板
89.Plate making 制版 90.PMS colour(Pantone)PMS 专色
91.round back 圆脊 92.round corner 圆角
93.scoring 啤线 94.printed sheet 印张
95.scratching 刮花、拖花 96.Process 四色墨
97. Scumming 弄脏、糊版(印件) 98.section sewn 穿线
99.self cover 自封 100.shrink wrapped (individual /assort per pack)收缩包装(独立/每包)
101.varnishing (glossy/matt)局部UV油(光/哑) 102.silk -screen printing 丝网印刷
103.step indexing 打索引、打梯级 104.silk screening 丝印
105.sticker 胶贴纸、贴纸 106.silk screen pvc sheet 丝印PVC胶片
107.stiffener 加固板(E-flute) 108.silver paper(card)银纸(咭)
109.silver stamping 银烫、烫银 110.string 绳
111.substance 克重、基重 112.sketch 草图、简图
113.slip case 书套盒、书盒 114.westage 损耗
115.water-based varnishing 过水油(过水溶性光油
116.waterproof (gloss/matt)防水(光、哑)
117.tracing paper 生油纸 118.whiteness 白度
119.trimming 裁切 120.triple wall carton 三坑箱
121. windowing 粘窗、贴窗 122.UV varnishing 过UV油、紫外光固化油
123.Varnishing 上光油 124.zine plate 锌版
125.V-shape die-cutting 啤V位 126.zip lock bag 密实胶袋
127.paperback 平装书 128.Hardback 精装书
129.Adjunct 辅料、配件、附属物 130.Bead 小珠子、珠子
131.Bow or bowknot 蝴蝶结 132.embossing 击凸
烫金 gold blocking 击凸embossing
过胶PP 哑胶matt lamination 光胶 gloss lamination
丝印 silk screening 光油gloss oil UV
灰板纸 grey board 250g-2000g 常用
铜版纸 art paper
双胶纸 two-side offset paper
单粉纸 one-side art paper 800g-1800g
牛皮纸 Kraft
双灰纸 grey chip board
啤=压痕、模切 embossing/ die cutting
LZ 是做印刷的?
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