Dear Sir,Greetings , i hope you are alrihgt and keeping well .it has been very long hearing from you last, we have been expecting to hear from you since so that we can understand better how we are progressing accordingly as this deal in AU metals is concerned.You would definitely agreed with us that ''time is money '' if we have concluded this trial-trip by now, maybe by now we would have been entaming the full-trip and establishing a very serious relationship each one anther in the interest of both parties.
We really want to work with you, we are very serious about this relationship with you, because we want sameone like you who has internatinal relations who can help us to sell our product abroad in as much as you are a honest person.
What is holding-down this deal ! what is preventing it from being realized by now? We would like you to sincerely put us through with clear understanding of the matter; if there is a way we can do something we shall not hesitate to be of use. Should it has something to do with finance, we can make proper arrangement to solve it may be by reducing the burden.
Please, note that we are not in any form or by any manner thinking you are financially in capable to pull this deal, we only want as to get up and move forward.
这个客人时隔一年的时间才回我这封邮件。又不是很明白他讲的是什么意思。 麻烦帮我看下。不好意思添麻烦了。麻烦帮我看打红字的那些。
[ 本帖最后由 Frank.Brown 于 2010-6-7 11:49 编辑 ]
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