

印刷就是使用印版或其它方式将原稿上的图案和文字转移到承印物上,形成印刷品的技术和过程。Printing is a technique and process of transfering the orignial image and words to the printed material ,finish the printing products by the way of forming or some other ways.        印刷机+油墨+纸张Printing Machine+ink+paper
"可固化材料(油墨)经印刷或涂布到承印物或工件表面,经UV光线照射实现硬化的过程。The process of coating the ink into printed material surface,and get drying under UV light
"        UV印刷机+油墨+纸张 UV printing machine+ink+paper
把三维立体成像技术与现代印刷工艺之特种表现手法融为一体,在印刷品中完美再现,使平面印刷图像呈现立体效果,多维动画 ,缩放功效和变异图的奇特视觉感。combine the advantages of the three-dimentional image technique and moderhn printing artwork,perfectly demonstrate on the printed material,and glorify the plane printing with  stereoscopic effect,multidimentional vision,zoom function and variogram magic feeling        UV印刷机+PS版+UV油墨+纸张 UV printing machine+Pre-sensitized plate+UV ink+paper
指将防伪措施通过印刷的方式转移到印刷品,使印刷品具有可鉴别的方法a new technique that transfer anti-counterfeit function to the printed material by printing,so that it is identical from others        UV印刷机+PS版+UV油墨+纸张 UV printing machine+Pre-sensitized plate+UV ink+paper
在印刷品表面涂布一层水性油或吸塑油,经过红外线或热风干燥之后形成一层光亮的薄膜。Coating the printed material surface with water-based varnishing or blister varnishing,forming a coat of glossy film ,and get drying under the infrared ray or hot wind         过油机+水油(光油、吸塑油)+纸张varnishing machine+water-based varnishing(glossy varnishing+blister varnishing)+paper
在完成图文印刷的制品表面上,用实地印版或图文印版再印一次或喷涂或滚涂在基材表面之后,经过UV灯的照射,使其由液态转化为固态,进而达到表面硬化的过程.Reprint or recoat the finished printing surface with solid plate or image plate,convert the liquid into solid,and expedite the surface drying under the UV light.        UV过油机+UV油+纸张UV varnishing machine+UV varnishing+paper
是将聚丙烯等塑料薄膜覆盖于印刷品表面,并采用粘合剂经加热、加压后使之粘合在一起,形成纸塑合一的过程。Covered the printed material surface with PP or some other plastic film,then heat and press it with glue,finally combine the paper and plastic together        覆膜机+PP膜+胶水+纸张 Laminating Machine+PP film+glue+paper
是借助于一定的压力与温度,使金属箔(电化铝)烫印到印刷品或其他承印物上的方法。One technique that stamp the metal foil on the printed material surface,under certain pressure and temperature         烫金机+金属版+铝箔纸+纸张stamping machine+metal plate+aluminium-foil paper+paper
丝网印刷又称网印,其印刷原理是根据原稿的图文,在印版上制作可以渗漏油墨的孔洞,印刷时在印版上括剂油墨,使油墨通过这些孔洞滤印到承印物上形成印迹图文。also called as screen printing,and its printing principle is in compliance with the original image,firstly designe some holes on the plate,then coated the plate with ink,and leak the ink to the printed material through holes, at last it comes out the printed image        丝印机+丝印网版+丝印油墨+纸张Silk-screen machine+silk-screen plate+silk-screen ink+paper
是印刷品表面整饰技术的一种,其采用具有较高亮度、透明度和耐磨性的UV光油对印刷图文或没有图文的承印物上进行选择性上光one technique of the printing surface finishing,optional polish the printed material with UV varnishing,with comparatively higher brightness,transparency and wear-friction         丝印机+丝印网版+UV油+纸张silk-screen machine+silk-screen plate+UV varnishing+paper
击凸又叫凹凸,是在已印有图文或没有图文的承印物上不用油墨只利用凹凸两块金属版(电版)压印出凹凸文字、图形的加工过程,它具有很强的层次感、立体感和手感.Embossing is also called as concavo-convex ,the process of stamping words and pictures on the printed material with only 2 concavo-convex metalic plate,no ink.It has the character of strong layering,stereovision and handfeel        模切机+金属板+纸张die-cutting machine+metalic plate+paper
是一种利用胶水将箔转移到基材的方法,冷烫所使用的电化箔是一种特种电化箔,其背面下涂胶,胶黏剂在印刷时直接涂在需要装饰的位置上,转移时,电化箔同胶黏剂接触,在胶黏剂的作用下,电化箔附在印刷品表面上one technique that transfer the foil to the printed material by gluing,cold stamping use very special electro-chemical foil,which coated with glue on the back,then directly smear the glue on the requisite decorating position,during the transfering,bind the electro-chemical foil and glue together,so that the foil clings to the printed material surface finally         柔性版印刷、感光树脂版和纲纹辊、烫印箔、UV胶黏剂 flexography printing,Photosensition Plastics plate,stamping foil,UV adhesion
是一种使用凹凸模具,在一定的压力作用下使用印刷品产生塑性变形,从而对印刷品表面进行艺术加工的工艺,经压纹后的印刷品表面呈现出深浅不同的图案和纹理,具有明显的浮雕立体感.one surface finishing technique that use concavo-convex mould,and cause plastic deformation on the printed material under certain pressure,after that it reflects diving deep images and texture,with the character of clear relief carving.        压纹机+圆滚模具+纸张embossing calender+cycloid+paper
将印刷彩纸与瓦楞见坑纸或白卡纸(或印刷彩纸)粘合在一起的过程。The process of gluing the printed paper with corrugated paper or white cardboard        裱纸机+胶水+瓦楞纸(或卡纸)laminating machine+glue+corrugated paper
利用钢刀、钢线根据产品设计要求的图样组合成模切版,利用压印版施加一定的压力,将印刷品压切成客户所需要做成的各种形状。use steel knife and  steel wire to design requisite die-cutting plate, and exert certain pressure to press and cut into series shape according to customer's requirements.        模切机+刀模板+纸张die-cutting machine+cutting mould+paper
通过涂刷胶水使盒子成型的过程,有手工粘盒,半自动粘盒机粘盒,全自动粘盒机粘盒the process of moulding the boxes by coating glue,there has 3 methods,manual gluing,semi-automatic gluing,automatic gluing        粘盒机+胶水+模切半成品gluing box machine+glue+die-cutting semi-finished products
折页是指将印刷好的书刊及单页印刷品按照页码的顺序折叠成一定规格幅面的工作过程folding is the process of binding the printed paper into a finished book or guide        折页机+印张folding machine+paper
        一种简单的书籍装订形式。加工时封面与书芯各帖配套在一起成为一册,经订联、裁切后即可成书,装订后的骑马订书册钉锯外露在书刊最后一折缝上。由于订书时书芯是骑在订书机上装订的,故称骑马订装one simple book binding.the process of collating the cover and inner pages into one volume by stitching and cutting."        骑钉机+钉线+书贴
无线胶订不用铁丝,不用线,而是用胶粘合书芯,从出书到自动完成的装订方法。Adhesive binding  is a technique that combine the book with glue,not Iron Wire,or thread,from the loose pages to automatically finished gluing book        胶装龙+胶水+书贴binding machine+glue+
        包料+灰板+胶水printed material+grey board+glue

如果谁有相关的印刷包装资料,请发我邮箱[email protected], 谢谢了







本来可以看看的   是在太多了。。。排版也乱。。

Printing is a technique and process of transfering the orignial image and words to the printed material ,finish the printing products by the way of forming or some other ways.

1. transfering s/b transferring

2. Originial s/b original.


First of all, to pay your attention to the spelling.

Second, Grammar. I don't think it is right to use "finish"(the base form of a verb) at the beginning of sentence


i admire you!
i am sure!

wow, you work really hard


QUOTE:印刷就是使用印版或其它方式将原稿上的图案和文字转移到承印物上,形成印刷品的技术和过程。/Printing is a technique and process of transfering the orignial image and words to the printed material ,finish the printing products by the way of forming or some other ways.   
My suggestion:
Printing is a technique for transferring knowledge, information and messages to a printed medium.

我很佩服你。我写的中文也是一样。很长的文章我写不出来。我的建议是你把你的本文写简单一些。也需要“减肥”。意思是把不是必需要的文字扔掉出。只能写最基本的意思。上面的那句话,我就这样。我就写印刷的最基本是什么。 下一句可以介绍uv印刷。


it's a huge task, i am sorry that i have not available time to read through it.




thanks,i will change as suggested,um,if u can spare time,could u offer more suggestion?
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