Have done my job for one year , at first ,i am full of energy to learn many many new things , and think every day is so perfect . as time goes , i do not know what i can learn from my work , and i do not know what i can do for a better achivement . every day is the same , every month the working is near , how can i get a great performance , the question around my mind all the time评论
You should make a goal for yourself
chang your company
No one but yourself can re-ignite the passion to your life ! So calm down and think what you like and what you want to do,then do it! Come on!
Thanks so much . your words attack the point , untill now , i do not know what i like best . when see some people around me like the NBA best , some like pets best , then i think , what is my favorite ? it really seems a question all the time .
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