不知道如何跟老外解释。原材料的厚度都是统一的,都是5.5CM厚, 而客人需要的产品是2CM厚的, 所以会有1.5CM的材料被浪费,导致产品成本比较啊。
而客人又希望价格低一点, 所以我想跟他们商量,是否可以把产品做成1.8CM厚的,这样成本可以降低了。
As the ruled thickness in raw meterail,and a lower price you want,we can meet your riquirement if you willing to increase your products's thickness from 1.5cm to 1.8cm.
For the thickness of raw material is fixed (5.5cm) and the products you need is 2cm, 1.5 cm will be wasted. would you like to deduce your products to 1.8cm ?
IF so ,the lower price can offered
For the standard thickness of raw material is 5.5cm, material consumption is 5.5cm-2cm*2 is 1.5cm, it will cause cost up. We suggest you take 1.8cm into account, cuz this thickness is close to your requirement,and with good cost at the same time.
楼主 你好像写错了吧~~~~~5.5-2 =3吧
材料是比较特殊的, 原材料的厚度标准就是5.5CM, 很少有其他工厂做非标厚度的。
因为产品刚好是2CM厚,所以5.5CM的材料最多能切成2片,会有1.5CM的片材要浪费,尽管这1。5厚度的材料可以做其他东西,但是我们计算成本的时候必须把1。5厚的片材全当浪费,平摊到实际产品中, 因为这个材料无法当回料处理。
There is ONLY one specification of the material, all are 5.5CM thick.
* If we do it in 2CM thickness, then there will be 1.5CM wasted...............5.5CM-(2*2CM)=1.5CM
* However, if we do it in 1.8cm, that 5.5CM will almost be completely used...............5.5CM-(3*1.8CM)=0.1CM
So, you can see, the cost for 1.8CM will be much lower than 2.0CM, moreover, there is only 0.2cm difference in thickness, quality will be quite the same of that two, in view of these factors, 1.8CM will absolutely be the best choice, what do you say?
1) 1.8cm厚的成本低
2) 1.8cm与2.0cm的质量相差无几 (这点非常重要)
We analyzed the possibility of cost reduction. Here is the solution on condition of change the thickness from 2.0mm to 1.8mm. Please confirm if it's Ok. reason listed as below.
- Thickness of available raw material is 5.5mm. In order to save cost, we can cut it into 2 pcs to maxmize the usage of raw material.
There is ONLY one specification of the material, all are 5.5CM thick.(这句话很重要,告诉客人只有这种标准,没有其他选择。但是最重要的是,到底会不会有其他标准。这句话可以改为ONLY one specification for the material is 5.5cm thick.或者把all are去掉。)
* If we do it in 2CM thickness, then there will be 1.5CM wasted...............5.5CM-(2*2CM)=1.5CM(这个地方详细解释也可以,就说一片可以切成两片,然后有1.5浪费。但是非常赞成加上公式,一目了然。)
* However, if we do it in 1.8cm, that 5.5CM will almost be completely used...............5.5CM-(3*1.8CM)=0.1CM
So, you can see, the cost for 1.8CM will be much lower than 2.0CM, moreover, there is only 0.2cm difference in thickness, quality will be quite the same of that two, in view of these factors, 1.8CM will absolutely be the best choice, what do you say?
(这句应该断成很多个分句。Therefore, as you may see, the wastage for 1.8cm/pc is much less than that for 2.0cm/pc; so is the cost. What we would like to draw your attention is that quality of products made out of 1.8cm or 2.0cm is nearly the same, without any critical different. Hence, we would appreciate your permission of our making the goods with 1.8cm thick material.)
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