我不是想难为大家,只是确实我的英语不太好麻烦大家帮我看下大体什么意思,要有人能帮我翻译出来就更好了。I'm very pleased to contact your esteemed company.
I saw your website on Alibaba and you are one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of wood flooring in your
nation. Also, We are one of the leading importers organization of Chinese laminate flooring in our nation. But now,
we are searching for new type of laminate flooring in your nation for our future business.
And i saw your new items of laminate flooring and send this message to you with my great expectations.
And the below my comments is our flooring market situations on timely,so, pls thinking this circumstances on your side.
Recently in Korea, the common laminate flooring market was fulled and no more increasing this market at the moment.
But new type of laminate flooring market is open just on timely and will booming this type of flooring in near future.
Common laminate flooring has one of serious weak point in our life style, i.e. this is not warming due to underlay form and
floating installation. As you might know, korean living room has floor heating system (we called by On-dol system), therefore,
everybody want to warm flooring after heating on.
During last period, the 8mm plywood flooring (japanese type) is main selling item in our market. But the very thin wood (0.5mm)
top veneer is so easy damages by a little impact, so, laminate flooring has been booming during last period even it has a weak
point as above mentioned.
But the new type of flooring has advantage that mixed between of plywood flooring and laminate flooring.(warm & strong)
The new flooring structure is 8mm water-proof plywood and 0.3m HPL(approximately) or resin paper overlaid and glue down
installation type of flooring. Nowadays, the top HPL is into thin more and more such like common AC3 grade laminate flooring.
But the key technical point is not bending without back balance sheet and sawing slot (grooving) on bottom for flexible and
tightly stick on base floor.(refer to the pictures attached).
Of course i sent many sample to my related flooring manufactures in China, but they are difficult to make this floorings under
the facilities conditions. Of course some of Chinese flooring manufacturers are has a similar type of flooring but their common
thickness(12mm) and the terms are unreasonable for us.
If you doing to modify the flooring dimensions(especially for thickness to 8mm maxinum) the subject item should be available to
sales by volume in our market. Of course the price will be matching with our target level together.
Of course we are guarantee the order volume if your flooring conditions and terms are reasonable under our market conditions.
looking forward to hearing from you soon.
你去下载个电子词典吧? 这个真的不能就这样丢出来的 !
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