事情背景:我为同一个商品付了两次款,发邮件去请求删掉一个订单,对方回复我如下It appears there were duplicate orders placed and two invoices were paid. I have credited the second invoice to your account for $17.96. This credit will be used toward any future invoices.
The original email was stating that 2 invoices were paid for the SAME month of service, meaning that you paid twice for one month. That is why we issued you the $17.76 credit so that we didn't take 2 payments from you for one month of service. We did need to keep one payment of $17.96 to account for your service. You have not paid twice for any other month of service.
老邮件上写的是你们同一个月付了两份发票的钱,也就是说你一个月付了两次款。因此我们返还 $17.76 ,那样的话我们就不是做一单收两笔钱了。我们会保留$17.96,用在这单上。你们其他月份没有出现过一个月付两次款(的情况)
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